Cleopatra may have used kohl to protect her eyes from the sun's glare but today it has become an essential in every woman's vanity pouch. I for one cannot let a single day go by without kohl-ing my eyes.
We may use it for varied purposes, but the main purpose for a kohl to serve as a cosmetic is to emphasize and dramatize the eyes. I have been using kohl since the past 9 years now (yes I started young and no I am not old!) and can say for sure that I have finally found the method of application that suits me best!
Yes ladies... you all heard me right! It took me 9 long years... And no I am not slow or dumb. I have always liked the effect that kohl has had on my eyes but I could never find a way in which I was actually satisfied with its effect! And I am sorry to say that 90% of the women I see with kohl-rimmed eyes actually fail to impress me with their kohl-application. Ha ha, I know I know I have no right to be condescending but ladies... do you really not want to hear what I have to say?
Ok here I go... first it took me some experiments and hence loads of expenditure to zero-in on the form of kohl that suits me best. Yes you heard me right. The form of the kajal is important :)
So finally all that was required was lining the internal rim of my eyes with REVLON's jet black kohl and using the CHAMBOR kohl to dramatize my eyes by applying it under my lashes and below my eyes :) The result? Super defined eyes and that too smudge proof :D