Ever wondered why sometimes you dont get the desired results out of your eye make-up even when you follow the video instructions on youtube or other tutorial blogs to the T? Don't tell me that has never happened to you! Lolz... It has happened to me and it took me a while to realize as to why I was being cheated out of sheer make-up pleasure :) Let me share it with you guys too...
Well you see there is a concept called "types of eyes", which stresses on the fact that the eyes can be broadly categorized in the following types:

1. Almond shaped eyes
2. Round eyes
3. Oval shaped eyes
4. Asian eyes
1. Deep set eyes
2. Wide set eyes
3. Close set eyes
4. Hooded eyes
5. Protruding eyes
Of course the list isn't really exhaustive and there could be microscopic sub-types as well, but trust me when I say that your eyes will surely fall into one of these types :) The image might just help you decide that ;)
Also note that the type of one's eye is generally a combination of one of the shapes and one of the positions. For example I have Almond shaped eyes that are close set :) So depending on what I want to highlight in my eye make-up I decide on a trick.
Now that we have established that there are different types of eyes then pure logic says that the technique of make-up for different eyes should be different. And that's what is going to be the contents of this blog of mine...
So here we go...
Deep set eyes have a part of the eyelid visible at the outer corner of the eye and gets narrower towards the inner corner of the eye.
They are easy to make up since they are naturally defined. Celebrities with deep set eyes are: Megan Fox and Sandra Bullock
Make-up tricks:
The main aim while making up deep set eyes is to bring them forward and highlighting them. For this, the following pointers need to be kept in mind:
a) Use a medium shade of eye shadow from the inner corner of your eye to the middle of your eyelid.
b) Apply a light shadow/highlighter on your brow bone to highlight your eyes.
c) For maximum definition, use a dark colored shadow ONLY at the outer corners of your eye.
LINER TIP: Eye liners should not be applied in the inner corners of your eyes.
Wide set eyes have space between the inner corners of the eyes more than the width of one eye.
Make-up tricks:
The aim here is to create an illusion of eyes that are close to each other.
a) Here we generally do the opposite of what we would ve done for Close set eyes :)
b) Use darker shadow in the inner corners of the eye
c) Apply lighter shadow in the outer corners of the eye.
d) Use highlighter at the outer part of the browbone only.
LINER TIP: Line the upper and lower rim of your eyes with a thicker line towards the inside, which should thin out while going outwards.
Close-set eyes are less than one eye length apart.
Make-up tricks:
The aim while making up close set eyes is to create a illusion of eyes being wide apart. Pointers:
a) Use a light shade of shadow from the inner corner to the middle of your eyelid horizontally and from lashline to browline vertically.
b) Apply a medium shadow from the middle to the outer corner of the eyes.
c) Use the darkest color od shadow at the outer corner of the eye only.
d) Brush a little highlighter at the inner corner of the eye and on the browbone.
LINER TIP: Line the eyes with a liquid liner by creating a thinner line in the inner part of the eye and thickening the line as you go outwards.
Hooded eyes give an appearance that the lid is partially closed and the area between the lashes and the creae is often hidden. Many asian eyes give an appearance of this "hood".
Make-up tricks:
The aim here is to create an illusion of an eyelid. Pointers are as follows:
a) Use a light shade of shadow over the entire lid.
b) Apply a medium shadow from the middle to the outer corner of the eyes and also on the crease and the "hooded" area.
c) Apply a dark contour shadow at the outer corners on the eye in an upward slant
LINER TIP: Line the upper lids of the eye only.
Protruding eyes also called prominent eyes give an appearance of being "convex" in shape. They appear to be bulging out.
Make-up tricks:
The aim while making up such prominent eyes is to reduing the "bulge" and to make the eye appear to recede a bit more into the face. Pointers:
a) The key is to apply a dark shadow all over the lid.
b) Apply a highlighter just under the eye brow.
c) Use a lighter shade of shadow on the brow bone.
LINER TIP: Line the entire upper lashline of the eye with an even line.
These types of eyes have a charateristic of an upswept outer corner.
Make-up tricks:
The aim is to create depth and intensify the eyes. Pointers:
a) Use a neutral/light shadow on the entire eye tillt he brow bone.
b) Apply a medium shaded shadow in the crease and blend upwards till the brow bone.
c) Apply darker shadow at the outer corner of the eye.
LINER TIP: Line the upper lash line of the eye with a thick even line.
Round eyes are generally large and "open".
Make-up tricks:
The aim will be to elongate the eye and make it more "almond shaped". Pointers:
a) Use a medium shadow over the entire lid.
b) Apply a dark shadow at the outer corners in an "up-sweep" extending a little outside the eye area.
c) Extend the dark shadow down towards the outer edge of the lower eye as well.
LINER TIP: Line only the outer 2/3 of the eye with a dark liner.
In order to give more height to oval eyes,
a) Use a light shadow over the lids.
b) Apply a medium shadow over the crease.
c) Highlight under the brow.
LINER TIP: On the upper lid, start by applying a thin line that thickens towards the middle and then again thins towards the ends.
These eyes are generally almond shaped eyes only smaller in size and with very little hood.
Make-up tricks:
The aim here is to make the eyes look larger and more prominent. Pointers:
a) Use light shadow from the eyelid upto the brows.
b) Apply medium shadow in the crease area.
c) Dark shadow int he outer corner of the eye.
LINER TIP: Line thickly on the upper lid and thinly on the lower lid.
Hope these helped :)