“Your eyes are the windows to your soul” is what someone great had said. If it is true then we have got to get our eye makeup right ;) Isn't it? So here we go discussing eye shadows in this blog. Before I start... Ladies please feel free to write your comments and give me some feedback as how we could together make this blog more and more helpful for make-up junkies like us ;)
Further, in order to structure the blog such that it is easy to absorb info, I have divided the section on eye shadows in three different posts. Each post shall deal with the nitty-gritties of achieving beautiful eyes using eye shadows.
Eye shadows can make or break a look and it is very important to strike the right balance between under-dramatic and over dramatic eyes. Eye shadows not only add color to the eyes or highlight them, but they also help in changing (virtually), the shape and size of your eyes.
Before we go ahead, let us go through some rules that I swear by and most beauty and make-up blogs and articles also stress on. The rules are as follows:
1. Thou shalt not highlight the eyes AND the mouth at the same time.
2. Thou shalt not extend the smokey-eye look up to the eyebrows.
3. Thou shalt always use shadow brush and not the spongy applicators that come with the
4. Thou shalt apply eye shadow according to the type of eye thou has been gifted with.