Monday, November 29, 2010

I Missed You Guys!

Wow this is my first blog post since Halloween, I can't believe how fast the time has flown by - I feel very ashamed! I am a naughty blogger...

Please forgive me for my lack of activity recently, I have been concentrating a little more on my YouTube channel (SWalkerMakeup) and also have been extremely busy with other aspects of my life. Things have been a little hectic lately and I've left my blog behind for a few weeks whilst I set my mind on a few other things. I can assure you I will be back on track now and will be doing a few more posts later this evening :)

If you follow me on Twitter (@SWalkerMakeup) then you will know what has been going on, as I update that every single day! I have been experiencing every emotion in the book lately! My boyfriend flew out to Canada for 4 months (he is now coming back for 2 weeks half way through - yayy!) on a snowboarding instructing course (very sad!) and I got a gorgeous new 8 week old Lhasa Apso puppy called Millie (very happy!)

All in all I am trying to keep my chin up, stay busy and stick a big smile on my face!

I am hoping that by Blogging, Tweeting and YouTubing I can keep my self occupied and pass the days a little quicker until Zach comes home :)

I will update you more later this evening but I hope you are all well! 

Lotsa love, 
