Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Just a note..

Just an update about the blog (as I'm wide awake at this hour with energy drinks to blame!), I do not claim to own ANY images posted on this website, unless stated. If anyone does have copyright of any images I post and would like them removed, then please email me and I will happily remove them.

Secondly, on the subject of contacting me, as mentioned before, I'm always after contributors! So, if you want to write for the blog, you have an idea, a query...anything, just email me!

For both things mentioned above and anything else, you can contact me on, or on my personal email

Lastly, I've added a few adverts on the site but I have tried to make them both as small as possible and as relevant to the site as I can. At the bottom of my blog, I have added an amazon wishlist widget. I thought this would be good for my Wednesday Wishlists if anyone is interested in purchasing what I have mentioned. Obviously you cannot buy everything from amazon but I do find it quite useful for books and other things as you can buy things pre owned for really cheap. I know this sounds like I'm plugging the widget/amazon for money but I wouldn't recommend anything unless I actually meant it, whether I earn money from them or not. I have used a thing called amazon associates, but I doubt very much I'd earn a lot of you clicked through and purchased anything.

Still, its a nice gadget to have there to coincide with my Wednesday Wishlists. What do you think?