Acne is a skin condition that is not normal, resulting in infection and inflammation gland oils on human skin. Acne is also not underestimated and origin handled so as not to be severe.
Forget the use toothpaste smeared over emerging pimple. Besides not heal, toothpaste actually makes acne worse because of irritation.
But when acne has begun to emerge, other constraints so the next chore is how to remove acne scars.
If you want a Natural Treatment, you can try homemade concoctions. Using honey such as, are known to disguise acne scars.
To try it, apply a little honey on your acne scars, rinse with water after about five minutes. After that, try to apply a face-mask made of milk and oatmeal in which works to end acne scars.
Apply the mixture for about 10 minutes and then rinse. Other traditional materials that can be used as a face-mask to remove acne scars are egg whites. Apply egg whites gently into your face, then let the egg white dries and rinse with water, as reported by the Times of India.
You can also try for Treatment with lemon juice. Since long, lime has used as an antibacterial and antiseptic.
To make the lime juice, mix the lime juice with cold water and drink every day. In the meantime, you can also treat acne by applying lemon juice on the face. The trick, put lime juice on top of the cotton, then apply to the face. Let stand for 10 to 15 minutes, and then rinse with cold water.
You can feel the effects of lime work are when the skin feels a little sore. If your skin is very sensitive, mix the lemon juice with a little water before feeding on cotton.
Another way: Mix half a cup of strawberries with one white egg, and two teaspoons of honey. According to Janice Cox in his book "Natural Beauty at Home", strawberries and honey is the right combination to eradicate acne.
As reported by LIVESTRONG, strawberries contain natural salicylic acid, drying agents that help for Treatment. While honey helps to eradicate the bacteria trapped in your pores, which can cause acne and blackheads.
Put the mixture into your face-mask before, but not to hit the area around the eyes. Allow the mask to dry, until about 10 to 20 minutes. You will feel the mask tighten on your face when it dries.
After that, rinse your face with cold water or lukewarm to clean the mask. Allow face to dry for best results.
Diligent washing face
Acne is caused by a dirty face is not immediately cleaned. Dust and dirt on the face is the main reason facial fast. Therefore, wash your face before bed and during the middle of the face was dirty. At least twice in one day, face cleaned.
Keeping food
By not eating fatty foods you can slightly cushioned from acne to be embellished face. Choose foods low-fat content. In addition to making the body look wider, fat it also Affect the health of the face.
Control stress
If you can solve the problem without having to undergo prolonged stress, believed this will also affect the health of the skin. However, if you cannot control the stress well, it can cause acne in the skin soft face.
Use a face-mask
Face-masks have a very important benefit to the health of the face. Useful addition to tightening and rejuvenation of the skin, the mask also has benefits for acne. So from now on, be diligent to wear a face-mask.
Avoid the habit of squeeze pimples
Exasperated look on his face of course acne often makes you want to squeeze. In fact, what actually happens, when the squeeze pimples, it will because black stains are very difficult to remove. Therefore, from now on avoid bad habits to squeeze pimples, because it only makes an appearance to diminish her beauty.
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