Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Cher Lloyd Makeup Tutorial

So the most recent edition to my YouTube channel was a makeup tutorial inspired by Cher Lloyd from The X Factor. For some reason I have been bombarded with comments since The X Factor started saying how much I look like her? Personally, I can't see the resemblance butttt, decided to do a makeup tutorial on her for those who were asking :)

Cher's eyebrow's were the hardest part! If you've watched the show you will know they are fairly...strange? By strange I mean shaved off and rather badly drawn on in a 'tadpole esque' manner. Obviously I didn't want to do mine exactly like that so just opted for a rounded front, long brow. Check out the photo below for a close-up:

 Here are some more photo's of the final look. After completing a bronze smokey eye it was time for pink cheeks and a pink juicy pair of lips! Et voila!

 To fully complete the change from Sara to Cher, I just had to have a bash at one of her singing faces did I not?! But not before creating a huge poofy hair style, popping on a military style jacket and layering myself in plenty on bling! So...what do you think!?

If you would like step by step instructions on how to recreate this look for yourself, just watch the video below:

Hope you enjoyed everyone :) see you soon! 

Sara x