Ok let me make no secret of it, but I was like down in the dumps over this weekend. For no particular reason I just wasn’t very happy with everything around and was maybe for the first time suffering from Weekend-Blues (if anything like that exists at all!).
Now honestly, nothing really perks me up as does shopping for make-up and so I tagged along with this friend of mine who is getting married next month. She had to buy these cosmetics as a part of her wedding trousseau and so I was actually looking forward to being pampered by the SAs. You see here in India, when you announce in a shop that you are getting married and have come for your wedding shopping, you are pampered to the fullest by the Sales staff. It is a one of a kind experience (also depending on the number of times you plan to marry in your life. LOLZ).
So anyways, we go to this store called Dorabjee’s in Pune, which has a newly opened cosmetics section and well well well, is it awesome or what?! All major cosmetic brands have outlets there, except for maybe “maXfactor”… Now you see my to-be married friend Sucharita already had a list ready with her, so she knew what she wanted to buy, my other friend Manu is the practical one who is sometimes skeptical of newly launched cosmetics and I am someone who resembles a kid left unattended in a candy store. So you see, all three of us exhibiting varied traits have come cosmetic shopping wanting to have a good time! :D

Sucharita also purchased a blush from Maybelline and a few colored eyeliner pencils. On buying these Maybelline products, Sucharita won a free Vanity Pouch of Fuschia Satin with black polka dots :)

Finally we hit the Revlon counter. We already knew what we wanted and this purchase was my favorite purchase of the day. We bought a Revlon Skinlights Face Illuminator. I had used this in the past and had been introduced to it by my mom. We both swear by it and now Sucharita loves it too :)
These were the highlights of out cosmetics shopping spree. I have left out the smaller purchases like nail paints and deos and stuff.. All in all it was a day well spent and we all came home tired yet happy and content!
Did I purchase anything? Yes I did! But that’s for another post :)