I have had a few requests to do a blog post showing some photo's and info on my new puppy. We went to pick her up last Sunday the 21st November from a lovely lady named Ann in Sheffield. We had previously been to see her twice before deciding she was deffinately the one! She came up to us and instantly cuddled and licked us all over! She clearly new she was going to a home where she was going to be treated like a princess!
Name ♥ Millie
Breed ♥ Lhasa Apso crossed with a Maltese
Birthday ♥ 2nd October 2010
She has recently discover her teeth and has been chewing everything she can get her mouth round! She especially likes my fluffy rug in my bedroom (she likes digging around in it and rolling in the softness!) and my slipper boots! She gets so exciting when I walk around her in them and she pounces all over and tried to bite the ribbons!
She is such a little cutie! We have actually gotten in to quite a good daily routine now that consists of playing, napping and toilet breaks! In that order...over and over again! She is very happy in her new home and has deffinately got used to her surroundings now :)

Last night we gave her her first bath with some fruity tearless puppy shampoo! We put a few inches of warm water in the bath with a towel in the bottom so she didn't slip! She loved it and didn't cry or scramble to get out! After being wrapped up in warm towels we blow dried her hair and gave her a brush! She shook her self and it was just the cutest sight ever! She looked like a little fluffy bear cub!
She will be making her appearance on my YouTube channel SWalkerMakeup tomorrow with her very own video so keep a look out for that! I am sure you will be seeing more of Millie in the future as she is my new little companion :)
Love, Sara & Millie ♥