There comes a stage in one's life when one thinks, retrospects and realizes that life is just rushing past you and you need to try some new tricks to catch on. So I said to myself "Suma... enough attention to the eyes sweetie... let's just do up the lips for a change"... LOL and thus started my quest towards lipsticks! You see I have been blessed with thin lips and so I have always avoided doing them up in a quest to not highlight them. But now I want to adorn them with luscious colors, tempting textures and bright hues.
Here are the two lippies that I have got myself as a start...
Maybelline Water Shine & Oriflame's Giordani Gold Paradise |
PURE & Pink Flower |
On the left is the Maybelline WaterShine PURE in B24 and on the right is Oriflame's Giordani Gold Paradise lipstick in "Pink Flower".
The Maybelline lippy is a pretty baby pink that looks really pretty on my lips. It's watery and creamy... extremely moisturizing. the only downside being that it wears off within 20-30 mins :(
The Oriflame's GG lippy on the other hand stayed on for a longer time. It had really good coverage and was really very moisturizing too :)
They are my fav lippies as of now (well I do own only the two of them as of now!) LOL!