Sunday, July 10, 2011

Pictures From The Present ; Snapshots of how I've spent this week

Giant Giraffe
My parents took me antiquing...not really. But we did go to an antique place filled with adorable chic furniture and vintage clothes. I almost bought a birdcage (the white chic kind!). I saw this massive giraffe there and thought it was funky. 

Fly Girl
I bought these awesome vintage glasses (which are probably from New Look or whatever but have the vintage look). I'm really bad with sunglasses, I think when I was in highschool like three years in a row I'd nick my Dad's and forget they were in my bag before sitting on them and breaking them. I'm really giggling at the fact that my Dad walked around the corner as I took this photo and that if you look closely you can see him in the background. He looks like a ghost caught on camera haha!

Saturday Night Takeaway
Getting a curry from the local is our Saturday night tradition in the Joy household. Sooo yummy!

Hell :(
Although I'm home atm, next weekend I'm moving back properly. So in the week I'm going back up North for the ex's birthday, to pack and to graduate, then coming home at the weekend. There's so much to sort through so I started doing my room this weekend to make space. I'm really sad at leaving when I think about it and it makes me upset to think I'll never see my ex again. We haven't been broken up long and when we were still together I was either going to stay up North or he was going to move down here. Now that we've broken up, I have little reason to visit the North East and until I get a job I can't afford it anyway. It's going to be a weird situation saying goodbye knowing that will be it. 

Empty Wardrobe
This is the end result of my sort out (bear in mind at the other end of my wardrobe I have stored coats, hoodies and day dresses). Not much at all!