Saturday, July 16, 2011
Sorry about the lack of updates this week! Sunday and Monday I was sorting out my room, trying to make space for when I move and baking a birthday cake, then Tuesday was spent traveling back up to Sunderland! Wednesday was my ex's birthday so his family were around and we went for a walk down to Barnes Park, and Thursday was probably the most stressful and dramatic filled day of my life! Then Thursday evening I was packing..Friday I graduated! Friday was absolutely lovely, all my family came up and the ex (god I don't even know what to call him, technically he's an ex but he's still a close friend and between posts we're constantly on and off!), all came to the graduation then we had a lovely meal afterwards! And cocktails! And finally today I have travelled all the way home again. So its been a long week. I'd love to do some pictures of my week but they're all on different people's cameras, so maybe I'll put them up next week.