Hello readers.. Hope you all like the reviews I wrote about Vivel active fair fairness cream and Ponds face wash in my previous posts. In this post I am gonna instruct you all how to do a PERFECT PEDICURE AT HOME for soft feet. Feet lifts our body and It works as a locomotive organ. Day by day, many dead skin cells form the top skin layer of the feet and make it rough and horrible to look. Many of us really don't realize how important it is to take care of our precious feet properly. Follow the ways I have given below for soft, bright and beautiful feet.
To write a review here, I did pedicure today. :) :) :) I am attaching the steps with pictures to explain you all clearly about HOME PEDICURE. Enjoy..!! Share this useful post with your friends and family.
To write a review here, I did pedicure today. :) :) :) I am attaching the steps with pictures to explain you all clearly about HOME PEDICURE. Enjoy..!! Share this useful post with your friends and family.

Trim your feet nails and shape them properly. Remove old nail polish. (There was no need to trim my nails today as I don't have long nails :D )STEP 2
Fill a small tub (As in the picture below) with warm water. The water shouldn't be too hot or less warm. The heat should be bearable for your feet. Mix a handful of salt and any shampoo in this water and make it lather. Soak your feet in this tub of warm soap water and allow your damaged and rough feet to get soft by the warmness. See this picture, this is how I done today. :) :)

After 15 minutes of soaking feet in warm water, Scrub your feet edges and rough parts with a foot scrubber (See the picture below). If you don't have a foot scrubber get a pumice stone or loofah to scrub your feet. Scrub gently in the sensitive parts and harder on the rough areas to remove all the dead skin cells which give your feet a unpleasant dark and rough horrible look. Scrub both foot for at least 10 minutes.

After the scrubbing process is complete, take your legs out of the soap water and wash your feet with lots of clean and cold water. Wipe with soft towel and moisturize immediately with any cold cream or moisturizer for nourishment. Your pedicure is complete now :D :D.. All you have is soft and beautiful feet now. Both guys and girls can do this once in 15 days to beautify and protect your feet. Polish your nails after pedicure if you wish. THE BEST TIME TO DO PEDICURE IS AT NIGHT BEFORE GOING TO BED.
MY FEET AFTER PEDICURE :) :) :) (Compare with the picture I taken before pedicure)

Hope you all like this post and its useful for you all. Kindly share this post with your friends and feel free to write feedback and suggestions :) :) I am glad to reply you all and solve your beauty issues. :) :) I feel very tired now. I am gonna eat and sleep now so I will write my review about CLEAN AND CLEAR FACE WASH tomorrow. Good night guys and girls :) :)