Sunday, September 11, 2011

Pictures From The Present ; Snapshots of how I've spent this week

Week of 5th - 11th September 2011

Snore Stopper
My Nan is going on holiday this week with my uncle and my Nan is terrible for snoring, so we got her a snore stopper! Only when it turned up it had a half naked man on the front. Anyway, so we tried to get it working, we put it on my Mum's wrist and had to we're all standing there making noises that sounding more like pigs snorting than an actual snore. It doesn't work so Mum turns it up then all of a sudden she jumps out of her skin and screams - it's given her a massive electric shock! It was the funniest thing I'd ever seen in my life, the three of just snorting then my Mum getting electrocuted...

My Models Own goodies arrived! Read my post about them here. Such pretty colours!

Job Interview
I had a very exciting job interview this week which is for a job that involves both fashion and writing! My sister popped around to help me pick an outfit and this is roughly what we decided on - minus the cardigan and an addition of a thin brown belt. That looks like jeans but it's not. I felt pretty confident about the interview, I know I have all the necessary experience and knowledge so hopefully they'll ring me back this week to offer me a second interview.

3D Madness
To be honest, I look like a bloody alien here.

What the...?!
I just had to put this in! I use a website called to give my photos rounded corners and I actually uploaded the photo that is on the right in the above image. When I clicked round it, I was instead faced with a picture of a randomer riding a horse. I can safely say that wasn't my photo...!

Lemon Meringue 
Such pretty nails! This is one of my new shades from the Models Own collection and I adore it 


I don't know where this lipstick is from but I nicked it from my Mum earlier this year and it is the perfect day to day shade for me to wear..but this is all thats left! I have no idea of the make, the colour or anything! I'm so gutted!