If you are excited by the idea of being a part of a project from the very beginning and watching it grow with your help then please PLEASE consider helping me with this top secret project.
All I ask is that you are a fabulous lady between the ages of 18 and 30 and that you're not shy! As long as you're willing to be outspoken, opinionated and someone who speaks their mind then you are exactly the type of person who I want on board. I need people who are comfortable answering questions on a number of different subjects including sex and dating so please only apply if you are not shy HOWEVER everything will be extremely confidential and all answers that you give will be no way traced back to you - so I will never know who exactly says what!
You also must be willing to commit to this project from start to finish (it may go on for many, many months) however I am flexible with the rate in which you'd like to contribute. As long as you answer and contribute to everything, I do not mind whether you complete it as soon as you can or even a week later - as long as it gets done!
If you would like to be part of this really big project then please don't hesitate to get in touch to find out more - I would like as many contributors as possible!
Please email me on SPTesting@hotmail.co.uk
(SP stands for Secret Project, btw :P)
if you are interested and I'll explain in further detail about what this role will involve. I would also appreciate any extra help so if you know anyone who might be interested then please direct them to this page!
Remember I only require that you are an opinionated female aged between 18-30.