Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Wreck This Journal

I'm going to let you in on a little secret.

But first of all you must promise me that you will use this information the way it is meant to be perceived - if you buy this journal then you must unleash your creative side and go wild whilst filling it out. Do not hold back. If it's not your type of thing then fair enough, just close the webpage and pop back another day when I might have posted something more to your taste :)

I didn't want to make this post. When I found this book, nestled amongst others in my ever favourite aisle of TK Maxx, I took one look at it and had to buy it. I turned the pages, smiling immediately and feeling inspired. What a quirky find! My heart beat quicker as I thought to myself how creative I could be with this project, how I can use it to represent pieces of me...okay you get the picture. Basically I was amazed. But I didn't want anyone else to know about this unusual bundle of creativity. Why? Because I found it and it was me all over. It was the perfect thing, it was arty, it was individual, it was like nothing I had ever found before. And I thought how sucky it would be if I told people about this and they tutted and rolled their eyes, deeming the whole thing immature? Or if they bought it themselves and attempted to complete it, only to never understand the true message or meaning of the project. It made me angry! Only really quirky people who would 'get it' should have the privilege of owning it.

And then I got home and had a look online and found out that it pretty much had a massive following anyway with various people of all ages beginning the project and posting their progress online, all feeling part of a rather large community.

So I thought, why not blog about it anyway?

(I was secretly glad that I found this book on my own accord, just a random amazing buy on a day out, rather then following a massive trend online!)

So, what exactly is 'Wreck This Journal'?

Wreck This Journal was created by Keri Smith and is basically a way to let go of any inhibitions and unleash your creative, destructive and daring side. The whole thing represents the fact that beauty can be found in destruction and that creativity can be found in mistakes. Each page offers a quirky suggestion or creative prompt as an idea of how to fill the pages of the book. However, the whole idea is to go against the rules - colour outside of the lines, use materials other than pens and pencils within the book, be a rebel! It's hard to explain but it's a really awesome different way to be creative.

Different pages in the books prompt you to do different things such as taking the book in the shower with you, poking holes in a page using a pencil, making a paper airplane out of a page..it is simply amazing. It's the perfect way to let lose and be inspired. I absolutely adore it and it is the perfect gift idea! 

Here are some photos I've found showing my favourite examples of how people have completed different pages of the journal.

I kind of don't even like looking at other peoples examples because I think how much better and prettier they are than mine! I've also actually realized that you can learn a lot about yourself by doing this project...I consider myself to be creative but not THAT creative. I like to find inspiration from other things and I enjoy doing the book the way it tells me to - I could never find a completely blank page in the book and do something 100% unique and creative. I guess, in a way though, most things we do come from being inspired by something!

Anyway, I've added a page here where I will update my personal progress with Wreck This Journal and you can also find this page at the top of the blog, among the list of pages.

I really hope some of you feel inspired to do this and if so I would LOVE to see all of your progress. It's such an exciting, fun project that you'd be mad not to take part in!