Monday, May 28, 2012

Busy Bee!

Lately I've felt incredibly out of sync with my blogging. Although in the past I have gone for much longer than a week without posting, it's always been because I had nothing to post about and didn't want to just blog for the sake of it. This week I really have literally been SO busy! I've just bagged myself a third job so I have to remember to schedule a few posts in advance and be a bit better with dividing my time. You can read all about my many jobs on my latest post on my personal blog here.

However other than working, I've been up to all sorts this week. I had a little shopping spree in the week and treated myself to a few dresses, some earrings and a gorgeous pair of pastel purple trousers which I'll blog about soon. 

I had a really lovely weekend too - Saturday I just chilled out and Sunday my sister, two of her friends and myself headed into London for a girly day out. We went to the first ever farmers market at Soho which everyone was talking about. I just wanted to have a look at all the quirky stalls and perv on all the band members (Soho is filled with rockstars and the such). The farmers market was a lot smaller than we expected but there were lovely stalls. I also picked up some business cards and got chatting to loads of people in preparation of my big upcoming project, getting the word out!

After that we decided to head onto another market and ended up going to Spitalfields market which was amazing. It was filled with so many different unique different shops, stalls and places to eat. I really loved it, it was right up my street with gorgeous day dresses, funky plaques and much more. I wanted to buy everything but decided on a beautiful heart bracelet and some really sweet tags to put on presents or cards or whatever.

We stopped off for a drink in the Ten Bells pub too which - I didn't realize at the time - is actually known as the 'Jack the Ripper pub'. It was really funny because at the time I recognized the name and could of sworn it had something to do with history or ghosts or murderers or something then I found out when I got home. Also turns out I didn't even notice the gigantic sign on one of the walls listing all of Jack The Ripper's victims...:/ Anyway it's a big tourist spot with loads of people visiting there of their own accord or at the end of the Jack The Ripper tours as apparently he and two of his victims used to drink there. Stuff like that really interests me so that was quite cool (when I realized anyway!).

Once home me and my sister made homemade pizza from scratch and garlic doughballs and settled down to watch a movie. Today I was working again but just around the corner from my sister's house so obviously I stayed there last night and walked round there this morning.

Clockwise from left -
1. Someone had written this on the back of one of the chair's on the tube, I thought it was pretty sweet!
2. Food and a movie after a lovely day in London
3. A well deserved (ridiculously big may I add) ice cream today. Yes I know my nails need doing. That ice cream was almost as big as my head and took literally a full 20 minutes to eat!
4. The view from my 'office' today
Anyway that's why I've been so out of sync with blogging this past week and hopefully this post has explained why and has made up for no pictures post I usually do on a Sunday. I've got some great reviews coming up and some really great ideas to put in motion for this blog too so keep your eyes peeled!