Tuesday, July 31, 2012
My Mocktail Review
Scalp Pimples
Scalp pimples or scalp acne are not always the same as garden-variety skin pimples. The scalp is, of course, skin, but scalp pimples usually involve the hair follicles, which get inflamed. The disorder can vary in nature and comes under various scientific names, but basically they all result in small, itchy pustules that are usually first noticed while combing or brushing of hair. Such pimples get infected in no time at all and become a major problem.
The cause of scalp pimples is not clear. In certain cases, micro-organisms such as yeast, mites and the dreaded staph bacterium that often thrive in the uniquely suitable host environment of the scalp can lead to scalp pimples. In such cases, treatment with topical antibiotics such as clindamycin or erythromycin solutions or oral tetracycline may be necessary. In more severe infestations, even steroids may be needed. In milder cases, simple but unrelenting scalp hygiene can resolve the problem.
The milder forms of scalp pimples are a nuisance but nothing to worry about. The affected area may respond to the application of a salicylic acid solution or other over-the-counter pimple preparations. There is, however, one drawback: the extreme dehydrating and stripping action of compounds like benzoyl peroxide can have very adverse and permanent effects on the actual hair. At the very least, an unsightly bleaching may take place; at worst one may lose hair. For this reason, the application of pimple-control treatment solutions should be strictly limited to the affected areas.
Routine scalp hygiene should be improved if scalp pimples become evident. A good hypoallergenic shampoo calibrated for oily skin types will definitely be of benefit, since it will limit the occurrence of sebum. Local pimple-control applications will be of maximum efficacy after thorough shampooing.
Scalp Pimples
Pimples [http://www.e-Pimples.com] provides detailed information on Pimples, How To Get Rid Of Pimples, Home Remedy For Pimples, Scalp Pimples and more. Pimples is affiliated with Adult Acne Causes [http://www.e-adultacne.com].
Purple & Bronze Smokey Eyes
I have used 4 shades of eye shadows to create this look and I feel quite achieved looking at the blending... If you guys want I can do a tutorial for this look as well. Lemme know if you need a pictorial one or a video tutorial :) I will be happy to do either :)
Products Used
1. Colorbar Full Cover Makeup Stick With SPF 30
2. Colorbar Blush in Floral Fucsia
3. Maybelline Blush in Apricot Flush
4. Lakme Fantasy Collection Gold Dust Shimmer Bronzer
1. Inglot DS72 (Sparkly Purple)
2. MAC Folie
3. MAC Antiqued
4. Colorbar Black Tied
1. Colorbar Take Me As I Am in "Flirtatious Pink"
2. TBS Lip Treatment Gloss in "Beige SParkle"
Yes I have loads of "grey" hair :( Its a heredity thing :)
Monday, July 30, 2012
Mumbai Haul
Here are some pictures.... Sighhhhhh... You have no idea how fulfilled I feel :)
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Maybelline Haul |
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Coolorbar Full Cover Makeup Stick in "Au Natural" |
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TBS Haul :) |
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Colorbar Take Me As I Am Lip Color in "Flirtatious Pink" |
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The Body Shop Jewelled Heart Compact Mirror |
The Products (Some Are Repeats As I loved Them So Much)
1. TBS Spiced Vanilla Body Butter - Repeat
2. TBS Earth Lovers Apricot and Basil Shower Gel
3. TBS Jewelled Heart Compact Mirror
4. TBS Swedish Spa Body Scrub
5. Colorbar Take Me As I Am in "Flirtatious Pink"
6. Colorbar Full Cover Makeup Stick With SPF 30 in "Au Natural"
7. Colorbar Velvet Matte Lipstick in "Summer Rain"
8. Colorbar Waterproof Liquid Liner in "Black" - Repeat
9. Maybelline Colorama Nail Polish in "Coral Chic" - Repeat
10. Maybelline Bloom Color Changing Lip Balm in "Pink Blossom"
11. Maybelline Gel Eye Liner - Repeat
12. Johnsons Baby Lotion - Repeat
Yup reviews are sure coming up :) Let me know if there is a specific product you want me to review first :)
Top 7 Home Remedies to Cure Acne
A. Sandalwood pasteMix sandalwood with rose water and apply this paste on the affected area. Sandalwood has a unique cooling qualities that the main reason for acne disappears. Rosewater helps the cleaning of the pores and thereby stopping the repetition of the acne. Apply it and keep it overnight for better and fruitful results.Second Lemon JuiceA mixture of lemon juice and peanut oil can work wonders for you. It can help you restore your smile. The mixture seeps into the pores reduce acne causing bacteria. It makes the skin shine and sparkle. Apply it on the acne and leave them unattended for at least half an hour.
Third Honey and CinnamonHoney is the ultimate way to reduce acne and when mixed with cinnamon, it further improves the process. It reduces inflammation and itching. Apply it overnight for best results.4th Neem and turmeric pasteMargosa (neem) has extraordinary medicinal properties. Mix some water, margosa and turmeric and make a paste. Then apply this paste on the affected area. This undoubtedly is the fastest way to cure acne effectively.5th Aloe VeraIt has antibacterial properties. The gel from Aloe Vera reduces inflammation and reduces the size of the acne substantially and disappears off over a longer period. The cheapest method as aloe vera tree be grown in your garden itself.6th CucumberDays you can not feel like eating cucumbers Simply use for the cure of acne. You can cut the cucumber either in the form of juice or slices. Just insert the disc on the pimple and leave them unattended for at least half an hour or so. Cucumber has exceptional cooling properties, therefore, it will soothe your skin and make you feel better.7th Papaya, or TomatoReduce application red tomato at least three times per day effective acne. You can also increase raw papaya pulp further curing. Both are widely available in the market at an affordable price.Dealing with acne in a natural way is the most effective way to get rid of them. If you are allergic to any of the products mentioned above, it is advisable to consult a doctor or avoid, as much as possible.
Reader Request: Suggestions For Long Wear Foundations For Office
Hi Samyukta,
Your blog is very nice and has given me inspiration to take make up seriously. I really wish that you should have been in my office so that i would have been able to learn each and every thing from you face to face :). I really like your "Office Look" series. The only thing i want is that please let me know the foundation you use for every day wear in office (basically for long hours which one is good). Haan and one post on night creams which are available in market and their pros and cons.
I really would appreciate your help/suggestions. Thanks for the help in advance.
Hi Navya... First off thank you so much for all your kind words :) Am so glad that you like my "Office Look" series :) All thanks goes to Pranali for motivating me to do it...
Regarding a long wear foundation suitable for office, I do not use any but I could surely suggest a few... Do note that I am listing out "light coverage" foundations as heavier coverage ones might end up looking cakey in the bright and harsh office lights :) So here goes a list...
1. The Body Shop Extra Virgin Minerals Cream Compact Foundation
This is a light to medium coverage foundation that blends easily and comes with a foundation brush. It will not give you a matte look btw. Read the full review here
2. Bourjois Healthy Mix Foundation
I haven't really used this but the Indian Beauty Blogosphere simply loves it! I haven't heard a single negative review about this product.
3. MAC Mineralize SPF15 Foundation In Compact Form
I haven't yet reviewed this but this is an AWESOME product. A bit on the pricier side but worth every cent! This too comes in a cream compact form and provides light to medium coverage.
4. Colorbar Full Cover MakeUp Stick With SPF30
This is a new discovery of mine and I bought it in my last trip to Mumbai's Beauty Center. It is a superb foundation and though I have used it only thrice, I am already in love with it. I shall be reviewing it soon. Btw this doubles up as a light coverage concealer too...
Hope this helps :)
I shall be doing different post about Night Creams :)
If anyone would like to add to list then please put it in the comments section :)
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Increase the Quality of Sperm, for Expectant Fathers
Anne Hathaway Pixie Hairstyle "The Dark Knight Rises"
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Anne Hathaway pixie short haircut |
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Anne Hathaway "The Dark Knight Rises" |
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Snapshots of how I've spent my week
I literally have not stopped this week - hence all the photos! I had a few more to put in (including a photo of Jasper looking like E.T!) but lining all the photos up has been stressing me out. Anyway this week I've been up to all sorts - on Monday I popped into town to have a few (soft!) drinks, then again on Thursday to go and see the new batman movie. Where I fell asleep. Yes, I know. To be fair I didn't realize the film was going to be three hours long! On top of that I've had extra hours at work this week where I've been opening up the shop and I had an awesome night out on Thursday. It was one of the best nights out I've had in ages (I say that every week, don't I?) but I had lots of laughs, a few too many Sambuca shots and met loads of really lovely people. I didn't get home the next day till at least 1 in the afternoon, oh dear! Me, Amy and her sister also decided to have a few games of pool on a whim Friday night - I don't think Amy realized how good I'd be ha! We didn't get home till gone 2am so I was exhausted, I've not done much this weekend as I think this week I've had no more than 24 hours sleep altogether! Despite this I did manage a little run yesterday once the weather cooled down a little bit - it's a shame it's gone so bad again today! I can't wait to have a nice hot bath to relax now!
Acne Facts: More Than Skin Deep
Acne is one of the most common skin diseases that up to 80% of the population in their youth, adults in their 40s and pregnant women. It is generally aggravated by oily skin, but no skin type is immune. Excess oil and dirt clogging the pores and blackheads produces or develops into cystic acne is inflamed or infected. These cysts may rupture and cause scars.The effects of stains - mild or extreme - may broader than many people believe. From first impressions, personal psychological problems that your skin. 'Health, acne is a major challenge for many Fortunately, there are a wealth of information available on the subject, and many options for treatments. If you understand what causes acne and how to renew your skin, you're on your way to accomplishing your specific skin problems.
Many things can cause acne:Some of the most common causes include genetics, your body. The hormonal balance, changes in hormone levels, skin irritation, stress, hyperactive sebaceous glands, accumulation of dead cells on the skin's surface, bacteria in the pores, taking certain medications and exposure to chemicals Most forms of acne are treatable.Acne Treatments:There are many over-the-counter (OTC) acne cleansers, creams, lotions, gels and solutions. Some are designed to address existing blemishes, some to prevent them and others to do both. There are systems. Several products developed together as part of treatment, and there are acne zappers or single purpose products to combine certain impurities targetedThe most popular acne treatments are designed to reduce the abnormal clumps of cells in the follicles, help manage the increased control of oil production, and fight bacteria and help reduce and alleviate inflammation. Not all treatments are effective, however. The ingredients they contain, and the concentrations in which they are formulated critical to the effectiveness of a particular product. Some of the key ingredients effective acne treatments include:Benzoyl peroxide -This product destroys P. acnes bacteria while reducing oil production. It is a powerful oxidizing agent and works well against bacteria. But, as your skin helps control oil production, it can lead to dryness, so when deciding on acne treatments that contain this ingredient, make sure they also contain non-comedogenic moisturizer to counteract the dryness.Resorcinol -Blackheads breaking clogged pores. Salicylic acid - works as resorcinol, but also helps the cells shed from the hair follicle.Triclosan - Its anti-bacterial properties to control levels of P. acnes. Sulfur - Exfoliates to promote normal skin cell renewal while preventing clumping
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Why Even the Best Acne Treatments Fail
And while you can and you talk to many people, everyone thought was the best acne treatment have always cooperate your skin is still not over even after every pill, cream.
And no matter how many times you tried that serious acne was still hanging around the mall, at the wedding of a friend, on dates, even on special occasions like wedding or prom! It just would not leave you alone, despite attempts by a number of different products!
The reason for this is that the best acne treatment is not only a pill or a cream!
Make no mistake, pills, and thus help to creams, but the biggest problem is actually happening with your hormones and the immune system.
Acne is a serious problem at the root, which is your skin and your body, not the red bumps on the face started. This is a symptom, not the cause!
Many people think the best acne treatment is a healthy ... complete lie!
You may have heard of this kind before, that somehow by washing your face 12 times a day your acne magically disappear and you must not make a concern for acne.
You are always free from the curse of acne, just because you washed a lot. Give me a break!
Listen, hygiene is important, but wash your face can damage your skin too much, it makes more prone to acne. Again, it is a part of the population have a common misconception that they somehow have to treat acne at the surface and will disappear. You are washing your face for a while if you try to get rid of acne so ...
Okay, what really is the best acne treatment? I mean, really?
Well, actually there are so many things that work. People use all kinds of treatments, some of which deliver better results than others. But many are not getting results at all.
If you want my opinion, the best acne treatment is probably money can buy for Max skin color. It works because it is placed under the root of the problem.
You have to fight not only benzoyl peroxide for acne, but also to keep tons of antioxidants, immune system strong.
Even better, it's the tea processing tava they have more on this topic. This is a 100 percent green tea stimulates the immune system, again, to fight against acne infections effectively with natural remedies that are completely safe and proven operational.
So if you're lighter than your skin with Max best acne treatment?
I advise people to try it and see how it works. But that aside, everyone needs to understand to get rid of acne, if they have allergies or sensitivities to foods such as dairy or starches.
These are common problems with acne. I think the product works and there are many satisfied customers prove willing it.
It's not the point. The point is, before you place an order for a product, make sure you know what you have available before shelling out cash to them, no matter how it seems!
Wash twice daily with a moisturizer? Are you using steam and wash your pores to prevent an infection peeling? Are you getting antioxidants from food? Are you sensitive to avoid foods that can stimulate the sebaceous glands? Take a good look at everything!
All you do is the best acne treatment have. Remember, your body produces acne as a hormonal reaction to something he does not like his surroundings. It could be stress, foods, or even be pollution. Anyway, take it from your system and it is truly find the best acne treatment.
If you do not work and try to look further, Best Acne Treatments ...
I know you will find something! Acne should not stick around after all, so keep looking and keep trying to heal and remember, it all starts with you!
Sick of bumps on your face? Have come a dance and you want to keep acne away? Tired of being too shy to meet someone special, because to speak of the skin? Or maybe you are usually just fed up with acne in your life!
Best Acne Treatment
Some Foods that Contain Folic Acid in High
What are some foods that contain lots of folic acid to the health of your baby? Some foods that contain folic acid in high amounts and in moderation, among others:
Folic Acid Content of Foods With High
- Green leafy vegetables like spinach, asparagus, turnips, etc.
- Legumes such as chickpeas, beans, and lentils
- yolk
- baker's yeast
- Grain products like pasta (including instant noodles), breads, and cereals (including ready to eat cereals such as instant oatmeal)
- Sunflower seeds
Content of Foods With Folic Acid Medium
- Fruits and fruit juices such as orange juice, pineapple juice, cantaloupe, melon, grape juice, banana, raspberry, and strawberry.
- Vegetables and vegetable juices such as beet, corn, tomato juice, broccoli, bean sprouts, lettuce, and mustard greens.
In the meantime, here are 10 types of foods contain the most folic acid (for per 100 g food) along with the content of acid intake:
- Oatmeal cereal (any kind): 1600 mcg
- Raw beans: 658 mcg
- Mint leaves raw: 530 mcg
- Macam2 raw beans: 399 mcg
- Broiler chicken fried: 379 mcg
- Peanut butter: 373 mcg
Prevent Nausea During Pregnancy with Vitamin B
How Robert Pattinson Maintain Athletic Body
Acne Treatment - Finding a Treatment That Works Best for You
Natural products against acne
This is a popular and growing school of thought that leads to the hypothesis that a more natural product, the better. This stems from the belief that the solutions of synthetic and treated are obviously not compatible with our bodies. Whatever your personal opinion about this school of thought, there are a number of natural products that have been confirmed, is beneficial for those who suffer from acne.
Aloe vera is a plant product labeled with anti-inflammatory properties, which internally as an antioxidant may be included, or applied externally to the affected area. It helps to reduce pain and tenderness in the infected area and reduce the size of a button.
Natural products such as tea tree oil and natural apple cider vinegar are popular both as a helper application spot acne treatment product. In both cases, the product should be diluted as it is very strong and can also react with sensitive skin.
There are a number of supplements that should be considered for the relief of acne. Zinc, vitamin A and vitamin D of the most popular and effective acne treatment. This course can be found in some foods, but also from a health store to complement and act as antioxidants and anti-inflamatories available. Zinc is also an efficient production limiter androgenic hormone, an important factor in acne breakouts.
Over-the-counter products against acne
There are a number of popular over-the-counter products against acne, making any bold claims some of their ability to treat acne. As mentioned earlier, this is a huge market for manufacturers, and therefore no expense spared by entering a chunk of the market.
Although the most efficient products tend to share a common ingredient, and it is a solution of benzoyl peroxide. It is available in higher concentrations of 2.5% to about 10% and in some cases. While most people assume that the higher the concentration the more effective solution, there is much literature that is not necessarily the case, and in most cases, a concentration of 2.5% will produce results suggest.
Benzoyl peroxide is effective in reducing infection and inflammation to 2.5%, and support elements, which usually help with other symptoms and side effects such as dry, sensitive skin. Which of these products are best for you, unfortunately, is a case of trial and error for each individual to be. Some creams are designed for adults, while some made for young people. Some give everyday use, some several times a day. Some may react with sensitive skin and also a better solution for those with sensitive skin smoother. It is always important to read the label carefully, and not on the professional opinion of pharmacists to be embarrassed about the products that suits your specific situation.
Specialists treating acne?
Where natural treatments and fail the drug against, it is always advisable to consult a dermatologist to discuss the best product against acne to your situation. There are a number of options available to dermatologists, who are generally not available over the counter. Of these the most famous is called Accutane. Accutane is the brand name of the substance "isotretinoin" and is widely regarded as a revolution in the treatment of acne. Not only does it near 100% success, but it is known as a cure for acne, not just treatment. A course of Accutane is about 5-6 months, and goes to about 85% of cases, acne prolonged or permanent remission.
Effective but not without cost and just in case there Accutanes a shopping list of side effects. What's worse is that the lead in a stunning high 25-35% of cases, Accutane pregnancies with a malformation or miscarriage of birth. There are also links to weakening of the skeleton and liver damage, kidney and intestines. Accutane also has an unproven link to mental illness and suicidal thoughts. As such, it is much considered a treatment of last resort and is not prescribed by specialists without a series of waivers and future assessments.
It can be overwhelming choosing a treatment will work best for you. Choosing the right acne treatment depends on what type of acne you have and how difficult it is.
Drug against acne:
Benzoyl peroxide: Used for many years, this treatment-the-counter is commonly used to treat mild to moderate acne vulgaris.
Antibiotics: A prescription medication type, antibiotics will be used for more severe cases of acne. It is either applied to the skin or orally.
Hormonal treatment: use, especially for women, hormone levels to help shape control of acne.
Retinoids: drugs, vitamin A (isotretinoin), which are taken orally every day for a long period of time contains. Isotretinoin can cause decreased production of oil from glands that cause acne.
Process of acne:
Acne treatment Laser: A very expensive process, is to use laser treatment to help reduce acne scars with the help of intense sources of pulsed light on the skin.
Dermabrasion: Another method to treat severe acne scars. The method involves removing the skin surface by abrasion. A very painful form of treatment, but excellent results.
Surgery: Surgery is often used to treat acne cysts or other forms of severe acne with surgical lancing.
Finally, the best treatment for you on a number of factors, both from your personal situation and the severity of your acne. The important thing to remember is that you go through a situation that many others make and it is okay to ask for help from people with specialized training as pharmacists and dermatologists. These professionals have the knowledge and resources at their disposal to help you find the best solution for your individual situation.
Acne Treatment
Acne Treatment
Adult Acne Treatment
The differences between adult and teenage acne
Did you know that men and women suffer from acne at a young age, but women have twice the risk of men in adulthood? Acne in adults can be either persistent acne is acne that childhood never lost or late-onset acne that appears for the first time. Late onset is less common, while suffering from persistent acne, 70 to 80 percent of acne. The majority of acne in adults is based on the lower parts of the face, around the line of the chin, mouth and jaw, while acne in adolescence include larger areas of the face. Adult acne can be treated even more difficult, which is not surprising given the fact that adult skin more sensitive and less resilient and heals more slowly than the skin of young people. Unlike acne, which tends to be oily, adults tend to have dry skin is more problematic since adult acne medication known to produce side effects of irritation and dryness. The adult skin moisture can not even afford poor get even drier. There is also a misconception that teenagers get acne, so adults can move to seek treatment. Acne can be socially crippling for anyone - male or female, adult or adolescent. But unlike a woman, a man does not have the luxury of covering his acne with makeup. There is also a perception that adult acne is generally accepted as a part of life, while young people with their vulnerable ego, perhaps more traumatized by acne as an adult. This is not always the case, as shown in research that adults with acne scars lacked self-confidence, avoid eye contact, tend to be booked, tried to hide their faces and their hair usually kept my head down.
The origin of a button
The starting point for the formation of a key hormones. Androgens such as testosterone, stimulate the glands in the skin to produce oil. A clogged pore is too much oil and the accumulation of skin cells that can not be paid off caused. This block is a breeding ground for bacteria Propionibacterium acnes naturally in the skin, causing irritation to the skin, the release of chemicals. Our immune system then comes to his aid, to help against bacteria, this inflammatory reaction, the ugly redness, swelling and pus creates, then here `, a button is born!
6 Back to Skin Care
First Always be moisture that adult skin tends to the dry side.
Second Wash your face twice a day to remove excess oil with a mild facial cleanser.
Third Wear oil-free sunscreen with SPF 30 minimum, even in winter to reduce skin scars.
4th Follow a low-fat, high-fiber diet that includes plenty of fruits and vegetables.
5th Use oil-free products.
6th Reduce stress, stay hydrated, exercise and get regular sleep.
6 Don'ts of Skin Care
First Vigorously rub your skin acne worse.
Second Select or press the keys.
Third Put your chin or cheeks in your hands.
4th Wear makeup, if you really do not.
5th Eat foods cause you know your acne.
6th Get lazy with your skin care skin care.
Medicines for acne
There are different product formulations: creams, gels, lotions and solutions. Creams are usually used for dry and sensitive skin, because they tend to be less irritating and less drying. The gels are used for oily skin, because they have better drying effect, but can cause more irritation and burns. Solutions to help oily skin and are primarily concerned with the skin products used antibiotics. Lotions for dry skin and fat can be used and its advantage is that it has spread easily in large areas of the body, if necessary for the back, neck and chest acne.
Mild to moderate acne: benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid and alpha-hydroxy acids (lactic acid and glycolic acid).
- With the lower forces on Start, then move on, if you do not see improvement within a few weeks.
- Can take 2-3 weeks to see the benefits.
- Causes a mild irritation and dryness (use an oil-free moisturizer).
- Can bleach clothing so make sure your skin is dry before using a tissue.
If all else fails ...
Visit a dermatologist. Sometimes none of the above treatments will be effective and stronger drugs are required. Since adult acne is not always able to respond to typical acne products, it might be wise to a skin specialist who consulted experts in skin care and hormones.
Construction news: tretinoin (Retin-A), adapalene (differentiation) and azelaic acid (Azelex).
- Sunscreen is a must, because these drugs increase the sensitivity of your skin to sunlight.
- Wear certainly lead to flaky, scaly, dry skin, lizard-looking, no longer works faster and a small amount goes a long way.
- Do not give up medicine because you are not working, we think you need at least 3 months to see results.
- Avoid eyes and lips and wrinkles near the nose, because they are sensitive areas and are more prone to dry, and peel the effects of drugs.
- Stay away from direct sunlight and avoid tanning beds, while the use of these drugs.
- Apply at night before bed, not in the morning.
- Make sure you wait until your face is completely dry before.
- If you unwanted facial hair, must remove the main field lips, be careful, because the wax can easily leave a trace of the skin sore for several days, thread and tweezers, the preferred use of these products.
- Burning, irritation, redness and tingling of the most common side effects.
- When drought occurs early in use, it is acceptable to use every day or every three days and then slowly increase the use of each day.
Antibiotic solutions clindamycin and erythromycin topical application to the skin. Oral antibiotics such as tetracycline, minocycline and erythromycin can also be used but only under the supervision of a physician. Side effects can cause skin rashes, diarrhea, stomach upset, yeast infections, bacterial imbalances and thus the sensitivity. Oral antibiotics for months should be used to educate and acne when you use to prevent the pill to become pregnant, you should use an additional form of contraception during use of antibiotics to prevent pregnancy, provide antibiotic drugs birth control less effective , it can even be a positive pregnancy test undesirable if not for one second reliable backup method to prevent pregnancy while taking antibiotics.
Hormone replacement therapy: women who are not medical skin products and antibiotics may benefit from oral contraceptives to hormone balance, as many a break from hormonal acne around her period. Mild side effects may go away over time, breast tenderness, bloating and nausea be. Anti-androgens may be prescribed by a specialist, the reduction of androgens in the body, resulting in fewer acne breakouts. However, blood tests are necessary before the treatment of acne with hormonal drugs, so be sure to consult a specialist.
Severe acne: oral high doses of vitamin A, such as isotretinoin (Accutane) may be used for severe acne, with many scars. This is a powerful drug used as a last resort. It is not necessary for women to become pregnant while taking this medication because it is an extremely high risk of major birth defects. Before treatment, women of childbearing age should have two negative pregnancy tests. Women should be two different forms of effective birth control a month before its use, during use, and for one month after cessation of use. It is not clear whether a man taking isotretinoin can cause birth defects, it is advisable to impregnate a woman. In addition, anyone taking this medication carefully monitored and have regular blood tests.
It's normal to get frustrated because you feel like you're in puberty exploiting dividend again. Do not expect results overnight. Acne treatments take months to work, not days. Your skin can appear even worse for the first few weeks, before the improvement is that the spots under the skin start coming out. Sometimes you may need several treatments before, the proper use of one. Not just keep waiting for acne to clear on its own, especially if you have suffered with it for a long time, take more time and see a dermatologist, because you can maybe one step closer to delete a skin.
Adult Acne Treatment
Adult Acne Treatment