Monday, July 16, 2012

Like, Love, Loathe Link Up

I've only just gotten my head around the way link up's work and have realized how beneficial it is to bloggers. I love following new blogs so I thought taking part in Bex's link up would be a nice way to discover some new inspiring blogs. Bex does a weekly 'Live, Love, Loathe' post on a Monday and has recently turned it into a link up, so here's my take on it!

Like ;

Sorting out my priorities. This time last week, I felt all over the place in regards to my life - I felt like time was running away from me. Given that I'm only 22, I'm aware that that sounds a bit silly, but I felt snowed under with all the different things I wanted to do but didn't have time to do them. Since then I've kind of relaxed a bit - although the problems aren't fixed, I've relaxed about them and concentrated on prioritizing my time better. Most evenings I now stop work/blogging/planning at about 6 and instead go and spent time with my friends or my family. I've also moved some meetings from November to September about other things, and have finally started putting some money aside to go traveling.

Love ;

Reading. I love reading - alongside writing, it is one of my biggest passion in life. I've got books I've treasured since I was young, and books I've kept so that one day I can give them to my children hoping they will inspire them as much as they have inspired me. Lately I've lacked in new reading material, so I ordered a bunch of books of off Amazon last week and can't wait to get reading. My Mum has just purchased this new and beautiful red chair for the dining room and it's so unbelievably comfy, as well as reminding me of Christmas with the brown and red stripes. It already feels like winter, so I can't wait to curl up on it reading when it's cold outside. I especially cant wait till it actually is winter, as we have huge patio doors and I'll be able to read and watch the snow coming down outside.

Loathe ;

The weather. I don't mind the rain, and I love the cold BUT NOT WHEN IT'S SUMMER. I really wish the sun would come back, if even for a week. I want to be able to go outside in dresses and skirts and I don't want to have to carry an umbrella everywhere with me! Plus, I want to get on with my new fitness regime. After recently purchasing proper running earphones (so they don't fall out of my ear!) an armband thing for my iphone/ipod AND a skipping rope, I've been desperate to get out and about. But it hasn't stopped bloody raining for longer than a few hours. I give up.