Saturday, November 26, 2011

Genital surgery

Genital surgery - this is an area of ​​medicine that is intended to address primarily the problem is not physical health, and his intimate problems. Like other plastic surgery that did not relieve any physical illness, intimate surgery, however, can significantly change a person's life, saving him from some of the complexes and problems in his personal life.

 This area includes any surgery, correcting certain defects in the genital area of ​​men and women. Intimate Plastic has always existed, but only in recent years related to these operations has changed for the better and they no longer perceived as a tyranny of man, to whom nothing else to do. Among patients who have initiated such care surgeon - people of different strata of the population. What unites them one thing - the desire to feel attractive and desirable to the opposite sex, get rid of the complexes in the intimate sphere.
Plasticity of the labia. Most often, women do not like appearance of the labia minora. Typically, most want to have small labia that completely covers the labia lips. In order to correct some techniques can be used to increase the labia majora, which will reduce the effect of small. However, most operations are performed on the labia lips, when, by the excision of excess tissue forming the labia of the size and shape that fit the aesthetic representations of women.
The operation can be performed under local anesthesia, and the solution of anesthetic is injected directly into the tissue of the labia. In addition, general anesthesia may, the specific form chosen by an anesthesiologist allowing for the health of the patient. Soreness and swelling in most cases are completely at the end of the first week after surgery. With increasing volume of transactions, swelling may persist for up to two weeks. It is desirable to carry out the operation immediately after the menstrual period and during the first 5-7 days less to sit. In this case, healing is faster. Also, do not recommend heavy physical work, thermal procedures, and alcohol intake. Sexual life resolved in 3-4 weeks after surgery.
The final form of labia take about 3 months after surgery. We should also mention that the fabric outer female genitals very well supplied with blood, so healing takes place without formation of visible scars, but at the time of delivery at the place of operation are possible mucosal trauma that must be considered in the first place, nulliparous women.
Plastic sheath. This operation is usually performed for women who had traumatic birth. After a considerable stretch of the vagina during childbirth tissue may not always be reduced to its original size, resulting in quality of sexual life and women, and men are getting worse. In this case, resorting to surgery, reducing the size of the vagina, as well as the size of the vagina.
In another case, because of old scars left behind after vaginal tears, there is a narrowing of the vaginal opening, which makes sex life, causing pain. In this case, during an operation performed excision of scar tissue and restore patency of the vagina through the plastic. Operation can be performed under local or general anesthesia. The postoperative period is similar to that described above. After surgery, we recommend as little as possible to sit for 2 weeks.