Saturday, November 26, 2011

Face lift

Face lift (facelift, rhytidectomy).

The most effective way of external rejuvenation.
Currently, there are open and endoscopic face lift, as well as combinations thereof. Their common goal aims to reduce sagging skin, restore facial contours and neck, as well as straightening and removal of facial wrinkles.

With the facelift, you can:
* Stretch forehead wrinkles
* Remove the "omission" of eyebrows
* Get rid of "crow's feet" around the eyes
* Stretch nasolabial folds
* Raise the cheeks and cheekbones
* Remove the excesses in the chin area
* Wrinkles to straighten the neck

Duration of operation:
Facelifting usually takes 2.5-4 hours (depending on volume). In contrast:

Facelift is usually performed under general anesthesia.
Hospital stay:
After a round face lift hospital stay is 1-2 days

The resumption of normal activities:
Get to work, to appear in the companies after the circular face lift can be 3-4 weeks