Monday, December 26, 2011

Psychological aspects of plastic surgery

Psychological aspects of plastic surgery
In spite of the fact that the overwhelming majority of patients are normal, usual people with hardly any trouble at all in the field of psychology or psychiatry, among them there are people to whom plastic operations because of psychological disorders are contraindicative. That with definiteness to predict what patients approach, and especially – what don't approach – for the cosmetic surgeon important well to understand people and to have good contact to the patients.

As definitely there is an interrelation between our appearance and psychological well-being, cosmetic surgeons sometimes name "psychosurgeon". Unfortunately, many psychiatrists and psychologists know about plastic surgery very little, and some of them act categorically against it, despite the results of some researches testifying to positive psychological effect rendered by operation.

Till now widespread opinion that at the people, doing to themselves esthetic operations, should be any mental problems. It can be carried to modern patients only in exceptional cases. In what the reason of existence of such wrong representation, a prejudice both among the population, and among some professionals? Probably, sources of this phenomenon conduct to some researches in the early sixties when the esthetic surgery was still are rare enough also the exotic phenomenon. During similar research it has been established that to 70 % of patients by which correction of the form of a nose has been spent, suffered any neurosis. And though presently business is in another way, nevertheless, сделует also to notice that 94 % of patients in the mentioned research have been satisfied by results of the operation performed by it and have informed that after it they became themselves it is pleasant more. Positive takes also have been noted from the point of view of psychiatry as patients with more attractive appearance after operation could refer the energy on something more creative, than anxiety concerning the form of the nose.

In spite of the fact that overwhelming majority of modern patients have no psychological problems, there are separate categories of people which because of the psychological warehouse are risky enough subjects for operation carrying out. They can be parted on 3 groups:

1.те who wishes to spend correction minimum deviations from norm, - they aspire to anatomic perfection, instead of is simple to improvement of the appearance;
 2.те who doesn't wish to spend correction of one or several deviations, and wants подвергуться to a considerable quantity of operations;
 3.те who has obvious, diagnosed mental diseases or problems.

It doesn't mean that similar patients can't be satisfied by results of the operation performed by it, however risk of disappointment for them is appreciable above, than for other patients.