Friday, December 16, 2011

2011 Conclusion Challenge - Day Seven

Day 7: 10 things you want to say 10 people.

This is going to be tough!

1. I miss you. I wish I could be happy and believe that you're happy, but I know you're not and I know it's just a show because you don't want to be alone. Don't end up hurting yourself and others ; you know the right thing to do. You've burnt so many bridges down over the past year, don't make more enemies. Grow up and learn how to treat a woman right. Don't mistake my friendship for something else because it'll come back and bite you in the arse ; you can't get away with these things forever.
2. I can't believe how you're acting through all of this. You need to grow up and take responsibility for your actions ; you'll get nowhere in life blaming other people when you know you've done wrong.
3. I think it's time you got off your high horse and stopped looking down on me/talking about me. Everyone makes mistakes and I can own up to mine at least. But let's not forget that whilst you were being continually out of order, you also got involved with someone who wasn't entirely single and you were aware of their situation the whole time. There was no excuse for what you done and the way you treated the situation afterwards was just ridiculous. What goes around comes around I'm afraid and when it hits you you're going to be in for a surprise. I hope one day someone does to you what you've done to them.
4. Thank you for being patient and understanding about my job situation when coming back from uni! Not only have you encouraged me to aim higher but you've also never nagged when I've struggled.
5. Love you!
6. Chin up! Life has its ups and downs - for everyone - you're not alone. Nothing anyone can say or do will fix the situation, but try and be strong and take something from what has happened. Our biggest achievements aren't about what we do or don't do in times like this but how we pick ourselves back up afterwards.
7. Thank you so much for my birthday treat, I feel so lucky to have a person like you in my life. It's going to be so much fun!
8. I can't wait to spend Christmas with all of you and I hope you like my presents! 
9. You can continue to try all you like but I will not be getting involved with you whilst you are in a relationship with someone else. We're very close and I hope this doesn't change, but don't expect me to give in and do what you want to happen because despite how I feel about you I still know the difference between right and wrong.
10. I think you should be more aware of what is going on right behind your back. Be a bit smarter about things and don't let people manipulate you into believing something that is a lie. Every story has two sides and there's no smoke without fire. Don't let yourself get walked over! Don't let other people get involved either, I know first hand how two-faced some people can be.

I didn't really like doing this, ha. It's come across really bitchy...!

Day 8: Things you hope for in 2012.
Day 9: What are you looking forward to in 2012?
Day 10: Anything you wish to say to end 2011/start 2012.