So I thought it might be a nice idea to do this weeks 'Fab Find Friday' (I really want to change that name, it sounds so corny!) post linking to all these lovely ladies. I already have a page for other blogs I read on a regular basis but I've added a list of local bloggers to my sidebar as well as some buttons I've made for this blog! Therefore if anyone would like to take my button and have me link their blog back I'd be happy to - just leave me a comment or an email so I know :)
Anyway, this is the list of all the bloggers who live locally. I can't wait to get this meet up underway and meet you all!
Bex from Futures
Victoria from Victoria's Vintage
Catarina from What Cat Says
Amanda from Say Anything
Zoe from Zozeze
Charlotte from Charbuckss
Lisa from Lisahh-Jane
Katy from Caught Up In Cake
Sarah from Knickers and Nail Polish
I'd definitely recommend you check out all these blogs! Basically we are all from the Hertfordhsire/Bedfordshire area, so if there are any other bloggers from these areas or from the South East of England, please do get in touch :)