Friday, July 6, 2012

Come Dine With Me - Blogging Style!

Over the past few months I've discovered two things - 1) There are LOADS of local bloggers and they're all really bloody lovely and 2) Actually, thanks to constantly drooling over the delicious recipes on pinterest (food porn) - I've actually come to enjoy cooking and trying out new recipes. So, I thought about how I could combine the two and finally find an excuse to meet all those other lovely local bloggers that I have yet to meet. My answer? Come dine with me - blogging style!

It's simple really (thank god for the TV show, we don't have to make up any rules!) - we just follow the same concept as in the show, each person hosting a different week/fortnight as opposed to doing this every day - and we all attend, eat delicious food and vote on it. Unfortunately we won't be able to offer a £1000 price though :(

If you're not comfortable letting a blogger in your house we can always have the different nights at a venue and as we all live locally, we can see about car sharing/sharing a taxi to save money. And don't forget the excuse to obsess over all the finishing touches by themeing each night ;)

It also allows for loads of blog content too - we can post up our recipes, our reviews of each host's night, the scores etc!

Would this be something any of you readers would be interested in doing?