Friday, November 16, 2012

A Catch Up!

As you may have noticed, as well as posts dwindling over the past couple of months, I've been making a conscious effort to keep my personal life separate from this blog. I've stopped doing my weekly Sunday round up posts and although there wasn't anything in particular that spurred me on to do this, I just felt I wasn't comfortable with having so many details about myself and how I was spending my time on my blog for anyone to see. However I've noticed that my favourite type of blogs actually embrace these factors - I love seeing what my favourite bloggers have been up to and reading about their lives as I think having a certain personal element to a blog is what draws readers back. To me thats the different between a blog and a website - a website is more of something virtual, whereas a blog is almost like a friend sometimes - it's language is more casual, you see the bloggers as friends and off course it means you're more likely to trust their advice or recommendations.

I'm still considering doing my weekly Sunday round up posts of what I've been up to, but perhaps changing it to a monthly feature. In the meantime though I thought I'd update you all on what I've been doing as without posting it might seem like I've just disappeared a bit!

In the last week of October I saw the comedian Chris Ramsey as he had a gig on in Luton. If you don't know who Chris Ramsey is he's a comedian from South Shields (which is near where I used to go to uni, I also used to visit South Shields a lot!) and often appears on Celebrity Juice. He also currently stars in Hebburn. Although I'm not really into comedy, I think he's hilarious so I definitely made sure to go down. It was something a bit different and my cheeks hurt from laughing so much - it was such a funny night!

I didn't do much for Halloween as it happened to fall in the middle of the week! The weekend before myself and a friend had a night out although we didn't dress up in costume - though to be fair I think I looked like a bit of a goth! During the week we carved some pumpkins and attempted to drive to some local haunted places. I also got into the spirit by painting skulls on my nails and watching a few spooky movies on actual Halloween night.

A couple of weeks ago I went and saw some local bands in town which was a really great night - I saw them at The Hat Factory and it was a reminder of how I used to spend my days as a teen - I'd always go down there with a bunch of guy mates when I was in college and watch local artists play so it was a real flashback! The bands were all great, I've found some great new local music to listen to and as a bonus I knew a few people in the bands which is always a good thing!

Me and my friends have made it our weekly tradition to play Bingo down the local pub on a Sunday evening - as boring as that sounds! The Chequers does great food and we always have a laugh having a couple of drinks, playing a few games of pool and just genuinely being in good company. It's a nice way to unwind before going back to work on a Monday and we always have such a laugh.

I've also been really getting into my cooking lately - Nan teaches me how to make some really nice dishes some evenings after work and recently me and Mamaw made some very yummy mince pies for Christmas, which we added Amaretto to ;)

Other than that I've not been up to much except working a lot and making a start on some Christmas crafts! I also got my hair done last week and I really, really love it!

I've just got myself a second proper job so I'm working constantly at the moment, but it will mean some extra cash for Christmas! Tonight I'm off to an all night rave in London (well it's till 5am anyway which should be interesting!) and next weekend me, my sister and Mamaw are off to Bruge for the weekend which I can't wait for :) I'll make sure to blog about our girly weekend away and keep you more updated with what I've been up to.

I'm really, really looking forward to Christmas - now that fireworks night is out of the way and that it gets darker earlier, I'm allowed to be excited! I've got some great birthday plans and Christmas is my favourite time of the year so I can't wait for everyone else to be in the Christmas spirit. Next have already been stocking Christmas stuff so working with all the festive decorations constantly hasn't helped haha!

Hope you've all been well and have been having as much fun as me lately! I'll be blogging soon about my Christmas wishlist so keep your eyes peeled!