Tuesday, April 16, 2013

4 Ways to Reduce Acne Scars

There are several ways to help reduce the appearance of acne scars. You can try different remedies, natural and otherwise. Their effectiveness is different - so it's important to try a few different things. But I will not muck around with it launches, I'm just going to jump right in! Here are four great ways to reduce acne scars:Rosehip OilThis is an essential oil that comes from South America. It has been used to treat a large number of skin diseases, of scars, wrinkles, and more. It is one of the "lesser known" essential oils, but one that is becoming more and more popular in the skin care industry.  

No need to buy specific product added with wild rose oil, you can maybe the oil and go from there. The oil contains a large amount of vitamin A, which helps the elasticity of the skin and smoothing it. Dry skin is also helped by the use of the oil. While it is not a very common essential oil, it is certainly worth looking for, as it is a great treatment for acne scarred skin.

Lemon JuiceThis is a popular one. Lemon juice is best used on the skin as a bleaching agent. If you have especially red or colored scars, lemon juice can help to fade and. Return to normal color to the skin It is an acid, and pretty strong one at that - and remember that just because it is natural does not mean your skin will tolerate it. Always a spot test with lemon juice before using it, and dilute it with a little water if you find that your skin needs a weaker dose.Green teaGreen tea is also very effective in treating acne raw.  

So if you have something like this, just try it! Some people recommend that you drink a lot of green tea, while others recommend that you apply the tea bag directly on the scar. I say - do both! Green tea is very high in antioxidants, free radicals (they make mischief in your body) to help combat. Try and drink two or three cups per day for maximum effectiveness. If you want, you can add them in a ritual and turn - try and drink it as a form of meditation. Although this will not help you directly, your skin will help you to reduce your stress, and that's always a good thing!Baking powderBaking soda is usually used as a scrub. 

 By mixing a couple of teaspoons of soda with a drop of water to a paste, which can dramatically help to keep your skin exfoliate. It improves the texture of the skin, helps elasticity and helps the skin to improve future growth. Try and do the baking soda scrub once every few days.These are four ways to reduce acne scars. She needs time to work. That's just a given. But with patience, time and effort, you will be able to make an impact assessment with scars.