Friday, July 19, 2013

The treatment of acne herbal medicine

Acne responds well to herbal medicine and is relatively easy to treat.
To get the right treatment you are going to have a medical herbalist get to visit because there are quite a few combinations of herbs that are for an individual to be suitable, but this article will give you a general idea of ​​what needs to acne suffer to be done. 

Basically it is an internal cleansing job, maybe some hormone balancing and nutrition counseling
As usual, I'll start with the nutritional advice: -
No sugary foods
No carbonated drinks
Eat a balanced diet with meat, vegetables, some carbs, and some fruits.
However, there are fruits which are acidic, and must be avoided, and these are: 

Oranges, tomatoes, apples and plums. Yogurt 2-3 times a week is OK and cheese is not more than twice a week is ok. 

Drink at least two liters of water a day and keep tea and coffee intake no more than three per day (both not each). 

I think it would be very interesting for you, if I would make you a typical tincture mix I did for an acne sufferer and talk about the whys and wherefores to give. 

Herbal Medicine
Burdock: - Liver and Gallbladder Flush and ensures that the digestive system works efficiently and eliminate the waste. To add to this it has also lymphatic cleansing properties, is antibacterial and is an adaptogen and alternative. The last two properties, it helps the body to adjust back to normal tissues. 

Echinacea - this is anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory as well as an excellent lymphatic cleanser. The lymphatic system removes all waste from the cells and ensures that no bacteria are in circulation. 

Red clover is traditionally as a skin cleanser that does it has been used through the lymphatic system. There is also an alternative that it helps restore body tissue is normal. 

Heartsease is anti-inflammatory and then an alternative
Celery seed, I use a lot, because it's such a good urinary tract cleanser. I have it where general body cleaning is necessary in all mixtures. 

That gives you an idea of ​​the aim of a mixture of herbs for acne sufferers. I have the hormonal bit left but it depends on whether you are male or female. 

Acne is easily treated with herbal medicine and I would recommend that you visit a qualified medical herbalist....