So I actually did it! I'm so surprised that I managed to last a whole 46 days without wearing any jeans whatsoever! So without further ado, here is the full collection of pictures showing what I wore every day!
Outfit One - Wednesday 22nd February 2012
Grey cardigan, deep blue oversized top, purple leggings and brown boots.
Outfit Two - Thursday 23rd February 2012
Black embellished cardigan, owl dress, skinny brown belt, jeggings and brown boots.
Outfit Three - Friday 24th February 2012
Purple polka dot top, jeggings
Outfit Four - Saturday 25th February 2012
Flower print dress (one of my personal favourites of all time!), black tights, brown boots
Outfit Five - Sunday 26th February 2012
Blue/Green top, Jeggings - Today was a lazy day ;)
Outfit Six - Monday 27th February 2012
Oversized pink, black and white top (which I now realize makes me look massive!), grey cardigan, jeggings (again!) and black pumps
Outfit Seven - Tuesday 28th February 2012

Black embellished cardigan, owl dress, skinny brown belt, jeggings and brown boots.
Outfit Three - Friday 24th February 2012
Purple polka dot top, jeggings
Outfit Four - Saturday 25th February 2012
Flower print dress (one of my personal favourites of all time!), black tights, brown boots
Outfit Five - Sunday 26th February 2012

Blue/Green top, Jeggings - Today was a lazy day ;)
Outfit Six - Monday 27th February 2012
Oversized pink, black and white top (which I now realize makes me look massive!), grey cardigan, jeggings (again!) and black pumps
Outfit Seven - Tuesday 28th February 2012
Grey cardigan, yellow polka dot dress with skinny brown belt, thick cream tights, black pumps
Outfit Eight - Wednesday 29th February 2012
Oversized uni hoodie, jeggings, black pumps (yet another slouchy day, I spent my day baking and working out so it called for slouchy clothes!)
Outfit Nine - Thursday 1st March 2012
What I like to call my 'worm top', cream/brown skirt, cream tights and brown heels (trying to wear them in!)
Outfit Ten - Friday 2nd March 2012
Red dress, skinny brown belt, thick cream tights, black pumps
Outfit Eleven - Saturday 3rd March 2012
Brown backless dress, white belt, brown heels (excuse my knobbly/red/bruised knees!)
Outfit Twelve - Sunday 4th March 2012
Pajamas! (I'd just gotten home from playing paintball - hungover - in the pouring rain and snow, so please don't judge me! Didn't manage to get a picture of our extremely boring paintball outfits I'm afraid!)
Outfit Thirteen - Monday 5th March 2012
White skull top, jeggings, black pumps
Outfit Fourteen - Tuesday 6th March 2012
Blue jacket, rusty orange top, mini bag, jeggings, brown boots
Outfit Fifteen - Wednesday 7th March 2012
Green dress, skinny brown belt
Outfit Sixteen - Thursday 8th March 2012
Grey/blue cardigan, white skull top, jeggings
Outfit Seventeen - Friday 9th March 2012
Pink and navy patterned dress, skinny brown belt
Outfit Eighteen - Saturday 10th March 2012
Red dress, skinny brown belt, brown heels (outfit also worn with tights but they ripped by the end of the night!)
Outfit Nineteen - Sunday 11th March 2012
Heart jumper, pajama bottoms (I was hungover!)
Outfit Twenty - Monday 12th March 2012
Long light blue lace top, jeggings
(Please excuse the random ball of light, given that in the next photo it had moved even closer to me I think it is a ghost!)
Outfit Twenty One - Tuesday 13th March 2012
Long sleeved blue/white patterned top, jeggings
Outfit Twenty Two - Wednesday 14th March 2012
Oversized patterned top with heart jumper worn over the top, jeggings, black pumps
Outfit Twenty Three - Thursday 15th March 2012
Wine red top, cream skirt, brown pumps
Outfit Twenty Four - Friday 17th March 2012
This was for a school girl themed night out! White shirt, tie (the one I actually used to wear in high school!), black skirt, cream shoes
Outfit Twenty Five - Saturday 17th March 2012
Another hungover outfit, but at least this time I got changed out of my pajamas ;) Dotty top, jeggings, black pumps
Outfit Twenty Six - Sunday 18th March 2012
I know I wore this a few weeks back but it was mothers day so I wanted to look nice :) Yellow polka dot dress, thin brown belt, cream tights, grey/brown cardigan
Outfit Twenty Seven - Monday 19th March 2012
Flower printed purple top, jeggings, black pumps
Outfit Twenty Eight - Tuesday 20th March 2012
White lace top (lace back), cream skirt, grey/brown cardigan
Outfit Twenty Nine - Wednesday 21st March 2012
Grey/brown cardigan, purple vest top, jeggings
Outfit Thirty - Thursday 22nd March 2012
Grey owl dress/top, skinny brown belt, jeggings
Outfit Thirty One - Friday 23rd March 2012
Grey/brown cardigan, blue lace top, jeggings, fluffy socks
Outfit Thirty Two - Saturday 24th March 2012
Flower/rose print playsuit, light brown belt, black pumps
Outfit Thirty Three - Sunday 25th March 2012
White top, polka dot skirt
Outfit Thirty Four - Monday 26th March 2012
Purple top, white shorts
Outfit Thirty Five - Tuesday 27th March 2012
Black dress with leopard print peter pan collar
Outfit Thirty Six - Wednesday 28th March 2012
Flower print dress, purple leggings
Outfit Thirty Seven - Thursday 29th March 2012
Long flower print top, purple leggings
Outfit Thirty Eight - Friday 30th March 2012
Yellow day dress, blue leggings
Outfit Thirty Nine - Saturday 31st March 2012
White & Blue printed dress, purple leggings and fluffy socks ;)
Outfit Forty - Sunday 1st April 2012
White & Black heart top, black skirt
Outfit Forty One - Monday 2nd April 2012
Brown dress, thin brown belt
Outfit Forty Two - Tuesday 3rd April 2012
Black top, Black & Pink tartan skirt (an ode to my rock chick days ;) )
Outfit Forty Three - Wednesday 4th April 2012
Green blouse, grey skirt, dotty tights
Outfit Forty Four - Thursday 5th April 2012
Rusty brown top, jeggings
Outfit Forty Five - Friday 6th April 2012
Printed dress, dotty tights
Outfit Forty Six - Saturday 6th April 2012
Deep blue dress, tan heels
So what has giving up jeans done for me?! Well it's taught me -
- When I put my mind to it, I CAN be quite creative with my outfits
- Green suits me!
- There are so many lovely skirts that I've forgotten that I've owned, sometimes it helps to root in the back of your wardrobe ;)
- It's always better to be overdressed than underdressed - it's okay to wear dresses whatever the occasion - even if its just to something casual
- It actually really does help to plan your outfit the night before - not just to save time but just to be more stylish/look better. For example, I'd kick myself if I was in a rush and just pulled on whatever outfit was easiest and then bumped into Shia LaBeouf out and about! I'd much rather put the extra effort in to make sure I looked really stylish, then I could make him fall in love with me if I bumped into him ;)
- Sometimes its useful to take photos of yourself and your outfit - looking back through some of these photos I've realized that although I don't mind wearing baggy/slouchy clothes, some of them make me look a bit bigger than I am and I'd never realized it at the time. I also found that some outfits are really flattering and I only noticed these things when looking through the photos afterwards.
- My room is quite possibly/most probably haunted. A lot of my photos have shown weird lights/orbs!
- Finally, although I'll definitely be wearing jeans a lot less now, I think it's virtually impossible to give them up altogether. Jeans are just far too versatile and go with so many things. Whilst I've found a new love for loads of old skirts and such, I've also missed wearing a lot of my favourite tops! I have loads of really nice tops that I've simply been unable to wear because they're too short to wear with leggings and I don't have any skirts to go with them. So although this challenge has helped me a lot, I've realized it's okay to give in and wear jeans sometimes. I do think, however, I'm going to sort out my jeans. Rather then keeping 10 cheap pairs in various different styles, I'm going to put some money towards a few standard, staple pairs that fit well and will last longer.
Thanks as well to all the lovely messages/comments of support, and all the compliments on the outfits too :)