Sunday, July 8, 2012

Frizzy Hair, Dry Skin & Sudden Weight Gain [Reader Query]

Pearly asks..

My hair is frizzy and a little dry. I really want it to be smooth and soft. My scalp is clean and healthy. The only problem is my hair which was was once very thick and beautiful but now lost its lustre. Also I've gained a lot of weight these months. I need to loose my weight up to 15 kg by the end of this month. I've got an elliptical machine with me but i also wanna have a healthy body and i wanna reduce without having mark. My skin is dry and I've become tanned. I wanna maintain the lustre of my skin and wanna have a soft one and of course an even toned skin. Please suggest some tips that would make by skin healthy and fair in a month. Please tell me suggestions for my problems which I can do for a month so that I can schedule time and work them out. Thank you so much in advance.

MABH Replies:

For lifeless frizzy hair:
First of all, you need to moisturize your hair and nourish your scalp regularly in order to get back the lustre. Make sure to wash your hair every other day if you sweat a lot and work in pollution. Use a mild shampoo to wash your hair and always use a good hair oil to massage your scalp and the tips of your hair. You can either make your own hair massage hair oil at home. Check a natural homemade hair massage hair oil recipe here. This is completely natural and works fabulous on bringing back the lustre of your hair. If you have no time to prepare one, use Parachute Advanced Ayurvedic Hair Oil. It works great on any hair type to control hair fall and nourish hair roots. All you need to do is heat some oil and massage your hair and scalp with the heated warm oil one hour before your hair wash. This can be done twice to thrice a week for maximum benefits.
        If these processes don't work even after a month of usage, it might be some heath issue causing your hair thinning and lifeless hair. Consult with your physician immediately to prevent further hair loss. 

[Using this cream instead of your store bought shampoos works like a wonder to bring back your shiny, beautiful and lustrous hair]

Weight Gain Problem

It is actually not safe to follow any home treatments for weight loss without consulting your physician so please avoid that thought. You can follow some natural ideas to keep weight in control. Mild exercises and low calorie intake can help you but you shouldn't ever starve yourself. Include fresh fruits, veggies and greens in your daily diet. Drink lemon juice every morning in empty stomach, this not only helps keeping weight in control but it also helps clearing out your skin tone. Cut fat items, junk foods from your eating routine and jump to fruits and veg salads. Sometimes, genetics may be related with sudden weight gain, you need to talk to your physician for this. Consult with your physician and follow what he/she says, including with daily exercise and fruit intake.

[You can get natural home remedies here, do check]

Dry Skin & Fairness Remedy

Dry skin is caused due to extreme moisture loss. This happens in winters a lot. Make sure to moisturize your skin after every wash and before going to bed at night. If your body skin is rough and dry, a rich creamy body butter or body lotion is a must. Try massaging facial skin with milk cream every morning followed by a gentle face wash, this process nourishes dry facial skin with the milk nutrients to make it soft and supple. Heated olive oil massage is also very beneficial to achieve soft, supple skin.

Also Read:

Hope this post helps you Pearly :)
Follow these ideas and do let us know the results after a month. 
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Your help would be appreciated girls! :) Please do leave in the comment section below if you have any ideas regarding Pearly's query.