(Posting this up a tad late I'm afraid as I've had a super packed weekend and had an early night as soon as I got in yesterday!)

P.S Feel free to follow me on Instagram @Louise_Joy_ for more photos of what I get up to throughout the week!

1, 2, 3 & 4. Night out! A small collection of photos from our uniform themed night out - don't our outfits look good?!
5 & 6. At a mini music festival Our local council put on a 'Party in the Park' with food, drink and lots of bands - it was lots of fun!
7. The Maine My new favourite band...
8. ...and the lead singer ...my new crush!
This week I've been -
Watching...Teen Wolf
Reading...The other side of the story by Marian Keyes
Listening to...The Maine and Sleeping With Sirens
Playing...A game on my phone where I can run my own restaurant (that same one that was on FB!)
Smelling of...Harajuki Lovers Fragrance - Lil' Angel
Perving on...John O'Callaghan
Loving...my friends and family
I'm afraid to say that this week I didn't spend much time sober. Er, I know it's bad. But let me explain, I have an excuse, honest! Thursday we had our big school uniform night out and it was a hilarious night! Our first stop was The Park, this really awesome bar I used to go to before I went to uni, and of course we walked in and were the only ones dressed up! I was gutted of course because it was filled with rocker boys and I looked like an idiot! We went onto Liquid/Envy afterwards where the actual event was being held and didn't feel so silly. Don't our outfits look awesome?! I was so proud of the glasses. I might even post a tutorial on how to achieve the look if anyone is planning to do school uniform themed fancy dress anytime soon! Anyway it was a great night, we made lots of new friends as usual and one of my friends who came out with us is actually the official photographer for the club. So naturally out of the 500 or so photos he took that night, at least 200 of them were of us! Madness. The photos were really funny too.
Instead of recovering on Friday we decided last minute to have a night out in Watford and ended up at a really ghetto club which was also hilarious. It's funny how it works as me and my friend both have complete opposite tastes in music so she was right at home in this particular club where I knew no songs whatsoever. I also had my first experience of 'real grinding' which I don't really want to repeat!
Then on Saturday me and my Dad popped into Dunstable to meet my Mum on her work break and watch a few bands at this Party in the Park thing. It's on every year and I've never been but it was such a good day! The bands were awesome and it was nice and sunny. We'd planned to go once my Mum was back at work but we spotted one of Dad's friends and stuck around for a bit more. Then my cousin walked past and we thought he was just down with his Mum but he invited us over where we found literally the whole of my Dad's family were camped out enjoying the day, so we joined them! Naturally this turned into another not so sober night so after a quick detour to pick up some cold beer and Amy, we returned and had a boogie.
Yesterday we just had a chilled out day taking Jasper for a long walk and having a picnic.
Finally, I've become obsessed with a new band this week. You know when you discover a new band and they just consume you and it's all you listen to? Yeah, that was me this week. Even better, I just found out they're doing a gig in London next month so I'm booking tickets first thing tomorrow. I'm so excited. And the lead singer is just the most gorgeous man I've ever laid eyes on....have a mooch at a few of their videos below!
They're so good!
P.S Feel free to follow me on Instagram @Louise_Joy_ for more photos of what I get up to throughout the week!