1. Me and two of my friends from uni I haven't seen these two since February so it was so nice to see them and catch up with them yesterday
2. Me and Jade I was dragged out yet again on Thursday and this is my friend Jade and me (in my new dress!)
3. Outfit Of The Day I couldn't resist wearing this old time favourite to my sisters house for dinner on Wednesday
4. Shopping Whoops, no wonder I'm skint!
5. Posing about I was trying to get a clear photo of my eye make up, which was looking pretty funky that day
6. House party! I've finally set up the plans for my annual house party. I stumbled across this photo when creating the event and just had to use it - this was from my first ever (and one of the best!) house parties!
This week I've been -
Watching...the Olympics
Reading...I think I love you by Allison Pearson
Listening to...The Maine
Playing...A game on my phone where I can run my own restaurant (that same one that was on FB!)
Smelling of...Harajuki Lovers Fragrance - Lil' Angel
Perving on...the lead singer of The Maine
Loving...seeing my uni girls again this week
As usual, I've spent way too much money this week. I was working Monday & Tuesday, and we went to my sisters house for dinner on Wednesday where we had hot dogs and discussed zombies! On Thursday I popped into St Albans for a spot of shopping in the hope to pick up a cheap dress for this weekend, as we'd originally planned to go out on Friday night. But Bango Mango has only gone and started stocking alternative stuff, so I ended up purchasing three tops AND two dresses (and three books but these were from a charity store). We had a really delicious lunch in a beautiful pub we found, and I swear on my life that Prince Harry was stood beside us at the bar! Instead of going out Friday, my friends decided to drag me out on Thursday night instead much to my dismay, but we had a pretty good night. Yesterday I went into London to see Jo and Becky as Jo lives in Blackpool and was down for the Olympics. It was really great seeing them both ; we had a great day gossiping, mooching around Harrod's (who have some of their Christmas stuff in already!) and getting into the British spirit by watching some of the Olympics in Hyde Park. I can't even begin to explain how amazing the atmosphere was there yesterday but I certainly left feeling extremely proud to be British. It's been a long and busy week and I'm at work at 8am tomorrow so I'm going to have a quick bath and get an early night. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I don't spend too much money next week!
P.S Feel free to follow me on Instagram @Louise_Joy_ for more photos of what I get up to throughout the week!