1. The Walking Dead finale I was so excited to see this (yes, I know I'm well behind), check me watching it with my cheese sandwich and a cuppa (in my Shia LaBeouf cup)
2. Poser Well I've turned into a total instagram addict and can't stop taking photos of myself ha!
3. Ouchy :( Um this massive lump on my ankle was the result of a particularly bad drunken injury this week
4. Shopping At home on the cheap spa treatment :)
5 & 6 . Pretty nails I did my nails this week, the little stick on flowers/gems I bought from the pound shop some time last year. Cheap or what?!
This week I've been -
Watching...the Olympics
Reading...The other side of the story by Marian Keyes
Listening to...The Maine and Sleeping With Sirens
Playing...A game on my phone where I can run my own restaurant (that same one that was on FB!)
Smelling of...Harajuki Lovers Fragrance - Lil' Angel
Perving on...Kellin Quinn (google him, he's really hot!)
Loving...making new friends on nights out :)
Apart from majorly perving on Kellin Quinn this week, I haven't been up to much apart from the usual! Work, shopping, a night out...where I wore stupidly high heels, stupidly drunk too much and ended up tripping down 2 steps and twisting my ankle. Yep. So typical of me. I'd planned to spend the weekend resting it but that didn't really happen! Today I was off to a christening then got back early enough to watch the Olympics Closing Ceremony.
I'm not massively into sport but I have enjoyed the Olympics, though I wish I'd paid more attention. I've really loved how the country has come together and the atmosphere has been amazing - I'm so glad I had an excuse to pop down to Hyde Park last weekend and experience some of it all in person. It's a bit overwhelming to think that something so big probably wont happen so close to home again in our lifetime. I loved the closing ceremony tonight though and kind of wished I'd had some friends round for an official viewing party or something! It was just such an upbeat and diverse range of performances - my particular favourites were The Spice Girls, Annie Lennox & Freddie Mercury - who is a complete legend. Although I was ever so slightly gutted that Busted did not reform for the closing ceremony like the rumours I'd heard - ha!
Back to work tomorrow but we've got a fab night out planned this week with a big group of us as it's uniform themed in our local club. To quote one friend, we are expecting 'sambuca, cocktails, pigtails, dressing people, arguing and of course....biting ;)' Well. It should be a fun night, as long as I don't walk up or down any stairs in my ridiculous high heels this week ;)
Hope you've all had a lovely week and enjoyed the Olympics Closing Ceremony as much as I did!
I'm not massively into sport but I have enjoyed the Olympics, though I wish I'd paid more attention. I've really loved how the country has come together and the atmosphere has been amazing - I'm so glad I had an excuse to pop down to Hyde Park last weekend and experience some of it all in person. It's a bit overwhelming to think that something so big probably wont happen so close to home again in our lifetime. I loved the closing ceremony tonight though and kind of wished I'd had some friends round for an official viewing party or something! It was just such an upbeat and diverse range of performances - my particular favourites were The Spice Girls, Annie Lennox & Freddie Mercury - who is a complete legend. Although I was ever so slightly gutted that Busted did not reform for the closing ceremony like the rumours I'd heard - ha!
Back to work tomorrow but we've got a fab night out planned this week with a big group of us as it's uniform themed in our local club. To quote one friend, we are expecting 'sambuca, cocktails, pigtails, dressing people, arguing and of course....biting ;)' Well. It should be a fun night, as long as I don't walk up or down any stairs in my ridiculous high heels this week ;)
Hope you've all had a lovely week and enjoyed the Olympics Closing Ceremony as much as I did!
P.S Feel free to follow me on Instagram @Louise_Joy_ for more photos of what I get up to throughout the week!