I was going through my older articles the other day, when I came across this. I am a year older than when I had written this but I still am yet to act on it... I am sure many of you haven't read this post of mine :) SO here you go and do let me know of your insights :)
A few days ago I turned a quarter of a century old and it gave rise to a very nagging question in my mind... Should I or should I not start using anti-aging products? Well you see I asked around a bit... Asked my friends, my mom, my sisters, my boyfriend's friend's girl friends and even people at work as to what is the right age to start using these "miraculous potions"... The replies were varied and to say the least, they left me with nothing but the thought that I know me best and I could just give them a try for once ;)
I know 25 is not really much but Hullo!! We are talking about lifestyle trends and all that might just cause me to age faster (wtf)... Am I being paranoid here? I mean am I just trying to be an idiot who cannot take a small decision herself?
But you see, to use or not to use is actually no small question... It is a life altering step that shall decide whether I am ready to take a leap towards being not so young anymore. If I start using these products will I be conceding myself to be starting to age? I don't want to admit that age might be catching up with me and neither do I want to acknowledge the fact that my skin now might start needing extra special care!
On the other hand I know my lifestyle isn't really that great! I sleep late, wake up late, use tons of products on my face and hair, use make-up like crazy, most of the times I don’t even bother to remove my make-up before falling off to sleep, I don’t drink enough water, I work in the AC for 8 hours at a stretch, then drive myself around in an AC car...
I worry cause I know if I don't wake-up now it might just be too late... But again what is early and what is late? Who can tell me what the right time to start using these products is?
But hey! They are "anti-aging" products aren't they? This means they aren't supposed to be used after you start aging. They are to be used so that they prevent you from starting to age! LOLZ. Why didn't I think of this before? Of course I shall get myself a bottle of Olay or Ponds Age miracle or whatever cause I am young and I want to prevent my skin from aging.
Let me repeat it for myself "I AM YOUNG, I WANT TO PREVENT AGING MY SKIN" Ha! Now that's better...
Next? I get myself something anti-aging ;)
I know 25 is not really much but Hullo!! We are talking about lifestyle trends and all that might just cause me to age faster (wtf)... Am I being paranoid here? I mean am I just trying to be an idiot who cannot take a small decision herself?
But you see, to use or not to use is actually no small question... It is a life altering step that shall decide whether I am ready to take a leap towards being not so young anymore. If I start using these products will I be conceding myself to be starting to age? I don't want to admit that age might be catching up with me and neither do I want to acknowledge the fact that my skin now might start needing extra special care!
On the other hand I know my lifestyle isn't really that great! I sleep late, wake up late, use tons of products on my face and hair, use make-up like crazy, most of the times I don’t even bother to remove my make-up before falling off to sleep, I don’t drink enough water, I work in the AC for 8 hours at a stretch, then drive myself around in an AC car...
I worry cause I know if I don't wake-up now it might just be too late... But again what is early and what is late? Who can tell me what the right time to start using these products is?
But hey! They are "anti-aging" products aren't they? This means they aren't supposed to be used after you start aging. They are to be used so that they prevent you from starting to age! LOLZ. Why didn't I think of this before? Of course I shall get myself a bottle of Olay or Ponds Age miracle or whatever cause I am young and I want to prevent my skin from aging.
Let me repeat it for myself "I AM YOUNG, I WANT TO PREVENT AGING MY SKIN" Ha! Now that's better...
Next? I get myself something anti-aging ;)