Wednesday, January 25, 2012

We change the partner because. Dissatisfied wives

We change the partner becauseBecause the theory is at odds with the practice.
That's it. Not because someone out there badly brought up, dissolved or bludliv. No.
Medical fact: a woman in their structure and physiological properties may have a much greater pleasure from sex (and orgasms in fifteen seconds to two male and three orgasms at a time against one of boys, and orgasm from affection, without frictions there) - this is the theory .

And in practice? In practice, 65% of women admit that they are not satisfied with marital sex.
That is, the mass of possibilities, but my implementation is lame. Or, more simply put, men nedorabatyvayut.

It's not, I said it - sexopathologists.
In general, the situation is bad. Well would be if the nature we would be as cold as a fish, and undemanding, like a weed.
Okay then - well, no joy of sex, well, God bless him, from cleaning floors too there is no joy, and yet my same regularly, even when the headache and the critical days are coming.
And since any of us know (who is more experienced) or unaware (who lies), sex - is a joy. And if this joy - where is it?
Why it's still like mopping, when you do not want, but do you want?
According to doctors, a glitch comes on two global fronts: the woman feels the urge, but it stupidly does not satisfy (45%) and a woman meet, but rarely (40%).
The remaining 15% is even desire not feel, and believe that their age is not about sex, but about the crematorium think it's time.
Do you feel what's going on? That the world's energy field loses energy gigabytes orgasmic women every hour?
Well this is because if all of us to meet often and hard as kinder and happier would the world? And so what do you want from the planet dissatisfied with the global scale, despite the opportunities provided by nature?
Incidentally, even some sexopathologists secretly advised to gather additionally dissatisfied wives sex on the side. Of course, in complete secrecy and with the utmost secrecy.
Because satisfied woman, according to the doctor is always better than dissatisfied. And what - minor matters.

So boys, take yourself in hand.
Once again I read that theoretically could a woman (yes, three orgasms in a row, every fifteen seconds, and sometimes - just from skillful kisses, and it is - at least !!!), and while your woman is not exactly satisfied by practice - and be afraid to walk her infidelity.
Yield or those who can.