Monday, March 22, 2010

Review: 'My Spring It'

So a few weeks back I was sent a product to review called 'My Spring It'. To describe it in the simplist way possible, it is a long springy piece of equiptment with grippy handles at each end and it pulls out un-wanted hairs from your body :) so, how does it work I hear you ask? Well lets try and describe it through the use of cheesy pictures!

1. Bend the spring into a shape like this. This will open up the coils so that they are ready to nip the hairs on your face. (or where ever else you wish to use it!) is is best in larger areas such as cheeks, forehead, neck etc. Now you may be thinking, "why would I need to pull out hairs from my cheeks!?" but after you have used this little gadjet, you will know why! There are so many tiny little thin hairs there, and if they werent there, imagine how much more smoothly your makeup would apply! :D

2. Place the 'My Spring It' against your skin in the area that you want to remove your hair. (after you have used this you will be self concious as to the amount of peach fuzz you acutally have on your face! Haha) Hold the little handles and prepare to twist...!

3. (This step is hard to describe in photo's!) Turn/twist the handles towards your face - rather than away from your face - and the hairs should get trapped in between the coils of the springs and pull out. Simple :)

I tried to take a close-up picture of the springs whilst they are 'open' but it turned out a little blury...ah well! You get the picture ;) 

So all in all, I do think this product is worth while, occasionally it becomes a little tempromental and can miss out areas without plucking anything but in total it is fan-dabby-dosie! :) 

You can buy it from the lovely Rachel at:

Let me know if any of you have tried this product or are going to now :)