Thursday, September 20, 2012

A Natural Face Mask for Acne Prone Skin

Are you afraid to enter your youth the outbreak of unsightly acne? You're not alone! Everyone hates acne, regardless of age. A smooth and flawless skin is a dream of every person, it is to be a teenager or an adult. There are hundreds of acne home remedies that will lead to positive results. Selecting an apt remedy is up to you, but remember, you must regularly with your skin care and follow healthy habits. Natural remedies have a universal appeal because they. Be effective and safe, that is free from side effects Why not start your teenage skin regimen with a natural face mask? There are many natural ingredients that are used to create a mask can be used. Let's see how bleaching earth for acne prone skin works.What is bleaching earth? As the name suggests, it is sound - a kind of sedimentary clay - which contains minerals such as silica, alumina, lime, and some oxides. The color of the clay can be white, yellow, green or blue, depending on the mineral content. It has the consistency of talcum powder, but you can also be a solid piece shaped like a bar of soap. It gets the name from its use in the English woolen industry, where it was used for "fulling" wool, ie recording of lanolin in wool.

Now, what has it to do with clay my skin? Bleaching earth has some amazing features that are helpful for your skin. It has been used as a skin cleanser, toner and astringent for the last couple of centuries. In fact, dates its use as a skin rejuvenator back to the ancient Roman era. The use of bleaching earth in the skin care and acne treatment is attributed mainly to its absorbent properties. It is also effective in controlling dandruff and seborrhea and is used in paraben-free shampoos. Bleaching earth absorbs the excess oil from your skin and removes impurities such as dead skin cells and bacteria byproducts. And we know that oily skin promotes acne. What's more is known a face mask bleaching earth, larger than most other skin cleansers. A face mask, which directs the cause of acne - is not that amazing?How do I use bleaching earth for skin care? The best method is to use it as a facial mask. Mix bleaching earth powder with water to form a paste and apply it on your face and neck. Be careful to avoid contact with eyes and lips, to prevent irritation. Wear it for about 30 minutes until it is completely dry. Then rinse the mask with cold water, but no soap. You will definitely feel a lightening effect, since the impurities and dead skin cells are removed. You can use it as often as daily or twice a week to use to experience a natural clear skin with a noticeable glow. You can also use bleaching earth as a scrub when washing your face in the morning and evening. It can work with herbal powders, like neem powder are combined to make a herbal face mask.Bleaching earth basically helps in maintaining a proper balance of oil in your skin. If you read Clearade reviews, you will see the importance of healthy oil metabolism to get rid of acne know. This unique facial mask will draw excess oil gently, without irritating your skin. So, it is better not to start too early, rather than waiting until your acne worse?