Friday, September 7, 2012

A sure way to make acne scars fade

The Internet is full of sites with information about the scars to fade caused by acne. Some of them will work well, others very well, others are not working. It is important to find out how to fade acne scars easily and without risk.Bleaching creams and modern chemicals are used to treat acne scars fade with surgery: these two methods could be costly.These chemicals and surgery, can be replaced by simple and inexpensive products like olive oil and rosehip syrup and with a simple program that can be followed at home, the scars can be encouraged to simply and cost effectively disappear.The Lemon Juice processTake one cup of lemon juice, you can use juice from a fresh lemon juice, or even a cup of water. These two ingredients in a bowl. Soak a cloth in the mixture and add the cloth gently on the acne scars. Allow to dry the mixture. Repeat this every day. This method will take longer than the artificial way, but it's less risky and promote skin rejuvenation naturally.

Olive oil, vitamin E and rose hip oil.Take pure olive oil. Clean the face thoroughly to remove any dirt or excessive facial oil. Gently massage your face with olive oil three to four times a day. The healing properties of olive oil is not could lead to a blockage of the skin, which promotes skin problems in the future. This is ideal for facial acne scars.A mixture of vitamin E with its moisturizing properties should be applied daily to the scars.With Rosehip Oil has many advantages and should be applied daily to the scars. By applying it to strengthen the skin and clearing the acne scars. As with olive oil should be used in addition to other treatments.Baking powderBaking soda is a natural product, when mixed with water and on the face like a mask, is to be extremely efficient and powerful exfoliation, which will be gently clear the face of acne scars and dead skin cells.These homemade recipes offer a natural and safe way to fade acne scars. They are also inexpensive and can easily in grocery stores or chemist (drug store) to be acquired. The best time to apply for these funds is at night, just before bedtime, since the skin to heal better, sleep while people think.