Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Just a quick post to apologise for going a bit AWOL yet again! Sorry guys! I've been really busy lately! I've been trying to put more effort into my social life (and that doesn't mean just going out drinking) as I realised since starting work I'd neglected my friends a bit. I've also been doing a few extra hours at work and I've majorly got my writing mojo back and have been working on my novel non-stop for the past few days - as I said to a friend earlier, I've definitely been in 'the zone'. However it is of course all excuses, normally I have a few posts scheduled up for when I'm a bit too busy to blog but I haven't had any this time. I'm hoping to get back to normal with posting ASAP. I'm on work experience next week so I'll get some posts scheduled up this weekend to keep things up to date.

I'll also be posting tomorrow about how the Milton Keynes Sky Ride went - it was a really great day and I can't wait to post all about it.

I've had a few new ideas in regards to the blog and I really like the idea of getting some long-term guest posting in again. I'll be asking around but if any of you fancy it or know anyone who'd be a good feature, please get in touch! I'd ideally love someone to guest post on a regular basis about something long term such as their dating lifestyle or perhaps what it's like for them going through a pregnancy or even something quite serious like battling depression to get a real inside opinion and voice about going through something like that.

I was also wondering if any of you would be interested in all in reading any fiction on the blog? I write constantly and have so many different novel/story ideas in motion at the moment and I thought maybe it would be a nice idea to start posting one or two up, putting a new chapter up weekly or something similar. I thought it would be a bit different as I've not really seen this done on many blogs and fiction is something that used to be so common in women's magazines/writing yet doesn't seem to be anymore. Let me know!

I've also had some great news, even though it's a bit off subject. I finally went and booked some tickets to see The Maine next month (that awesome band I posted about recently who have a totally hot lead singer). When pre-ordering the new album, I somehow managed to get a ticket to an exclusive meet and greet with them before the gig?! I'm not quite sure how this happened but nonetheless, I'm extremely excited. I've already been thinking about what to wear. You might find it a bit sad but music is a massive passion of mine and it's going to be so amazing meeting a band that I've been listening to non stop lately, especially knowing how influential they've become, not just to me but to other people as well. I'm totally not just excited about the fact that I get to meet the very sexy lead singer...! I mean yeah, ideas have been put in my head in that all their fans are really young so at 22 years old I'm going to be only two years younger than him and the oldest girl there...it's not like I'm going to try and chat him up or anything ;)

Anyway I hope you all had a lovely bank holiday and I can't wait to get posting again.