Thursday, August 30, 2012

Milton Keynes Sky Ride

On Sunday, I attended the Milton Keynes Sky Ride with my sister and had a really great time. As explained before, the whole event was set up to get people more motivated and to get them out using their bikes more. The events, which have been going on for about a year now, are a collaborative effort between Sky and British Cycling.

My outfit with the Sky Ride t-shirt - very stylish!
When me and my sister first got there, we weren't entirely sure where we were meant to be as we were pretty early, so we stopped off in Starbucks for a cheeky coffee/hot chocolate first ;) It was then when we spotted some people setting up outside and realized that it was one of the many different demonstrations going on throughout the day. We walked back to the car, got on our bikes and followed the general direction where people were heading to find the beginning of the route and lots of different things set up from a stall selling bike products to different companies explaining the biking events they offer themselves.

We started on the route which was really nice - it was generally very easy so that all types of people could do it whether you're a beginner or an expert. There were a few slow hills to go up but there was nothing particularly hard. I really loved that the route was completely sectioned off from all traffic as well, as I'm not a regular biker simply because I don't know any routes near me that are away from traffic and I'm not confident riding around traffic. Along the route there were different stops, including a lovely make shift outdoor cafe that had to be reached by biking down a beautiful off-set path surrounded by trees.

Once we completed the route we had another wander round then watched some of the BMXers and skateboarders performing tricks on a half pipe. I loved this and thought they were very impressive, so I took a few photos.

One of the BMXers doing tricks
I really enjoyed the whole day and it definitely made me more motivated to start bike riding again. What I loved was how many different companies they had at the event offering different ways to get involved. So many people think of bike riding as a solo sport but it really isn't the case. Some companies were offering group bike rides for only women, others offering more adventure like bike rides for those who really wanted to push themselves. It was a really nice idea and it was nice to see families getting involved as well with parents riding with children on seats attached to the bikes and much more. I'd definitely attend the event again and have already began looking on the Sky Ride website for more local events/groups.

I would definitely recommend anyone to have a look on the website and attend any future events if you're thinking about getting involved in getting out on your bike or already do anyway. It's a really nice way to avoid missing out because you might not have anyone to go with or might not know the best routes, or, like me, simply aren't confident enough to ride through traffic.