Monday, July 16, 2012

What do YOU like to read?

Hello everyone! Just a quick post today to ask you all your opinion about the blog. Sometimes I struggle to think about whether something I post will interest you or not, and of course I end up at that age old debate - do I blog for myself and write about what I like, or do I blog for you guys and write about what you like to read? Well, I try to aim for a bit of both but I hope I'm right in thinking that generally the things I like to write about are also the things you like to read about.

So I've just set up a little poll that I'm hoping you'll all take a moment to contribute to. It's just to get some idea of what you like to read the most and what posts I might be lacking in aka what I need to post more of! I'd also appreciate any other feedback (even negative feedback!) on anything else to do with the blog - you can comment below on this post if you so wish.

The poll is also in the sidebar, incase you want to vote at a later date.

So, what are your favourite type of posts, or posts you'd like to see more of?

Thank you in advance!