Friday, January 25, 2013

Neem - An effective treatment for acne

The leaf of the neem tree is a cornerstone of Ayurveda, to be one of the oldest medical systems in the world. We can use to soaps, creams and toothpastes that contain neem come as active. Every part of the tree - leaf, bark, roots and seeds - has therapeutic properties. Neem is an excellent remedy for various skin conditions and problems, including acne. Regardless of the type of acne you are suffering, it's whiteheads be blackheads, pimples or blemishes, neem can play an effective role in acne removal and control. 

 Let every detail!What is the reason behind the hype of neem as an effective cure for acne? The antioxidants are astringent, antiseptic, antiviral, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties of neem responsible for its therapeutic properties. The antioxidant content of neem is one hundred times more effective than the antioxidant-rich foods such as broccoli or blue berries. Antioxidants neutralize their ability to harmful free radicals and boost the immune system known. With regard to the health of the skin, delaying the formation of wrinkles and fight inflammation that causes acne.  

Neem leaf contains a substance called quercetin, which combats acne-induced inflammation and pruritus, by soothing and cooling the skin. It also contains salicylic acid, which helps redness and inflammation. Neem oil, an extract of neem seed, is an excellent skin nourishing agents because of their fat content and hydrate. Neem blood cleaning feature also helps fight acne.

How can I neem for my acne problem? For centuries, crushed neem leaves have been used to treat acne and improve skin texture. Alternatively dried neem leaves are ground to a fine powder, mixed with water and applied to the skin. The powder is also used in the production of food supplements. You can make a face mask by mixing bentonite clay with a few drops of neem oil. Apply the mixture on your face and wash after 10 minutes. Or you can dab neem oil on the affected area a few times a day to cure acne.  

Why not try out a ready-to-use neem spray, which can be easily sprayed on the affected area? After the spray, you can soak a neem lotion on the skin and retain its suppleness. A lot of ready-to-use neem products are available in the market. These include acne neem soaps, lotions, neem, neem capsules, neem tea and neem powder.When taken internally, a neem supplement works as a blood purifier and detoxifier, which in turn helps a natural clear skin radiates a healthy glow. Serious acne products and dietary supplements administered the drugs to help your body get in the right dose, to achieve positive results. For example Clearade treatment of acne, helps eliminate acne by the administration of acne vitamins in the correct dosage. Eat some neem leaves on a regular basis will help you boost your immunity. 

Neem, one of the most effective home remedies for acne, is virtually free of side effects. It provides a mild and safe treatment, helps to recover not only the skin quickly, but it also prevents the recurrence of acne. Apart from adhering an effective herbal remedy, such as Neem, you need to be careful with other habits, such as healthy diet, drinking enough water, exercising regularly and maintaining a clean skin care routine. During treatment, be careful not to use your nails to itch or squeeze your pimples. If you are feisty, you are sure to experience the best results