Wednesday, May 29, 2013

2 Quick Home Remedies to Lighten Your Skin Complexion

Guest Post by Vandana
Weekend Fun Giveaway July Week 2 Giveaway Entry #11

Here are some very easy tips to improve your complexion and to reduce dark spots on your face. Check them out, try at your home and do let me know how it works.

Remedy 1:

Cucumber Overnight Fairness Pack

If you think that no face pack can make your your skin fair then you are wrong. I have tried a home made paste which really worked. Just follow these simple steps and your skin will look more fairer and spot free.

Things required to make a paste are:
  • Cucumber
  • Rosewater 
  • Glycerine

Firstly take out the cucumber juice by using mixer. Now add rosewater and glycerine in equal quantities to the cucumber juice. Make sure that the paste should neither be thin nor too thick. Now apply it over your face at night time before going to sleep.
       In the morning, wash your face with clean water and pat dry. After some days you will see amazing change in the complexion of your skin and even the dark spots will lighten.

Tip: If you feel lazy making this everyday then you can make this paste for 3 days and you can keep it fridge and use it everyday.

Remedy 2:
Banana Glow Face Pack

To give instant glow to your face before going to a party or something, you can try a banana face pack. To make this pack you don't have to make any effort. You just have to peel banana and take out its pulp and crush it to make a smooth paste. You can make this paste using mixer as well. Now apply this banana paste on your face and leave it for 10-15 minutes. Later, remove it with clean water and pat dry.

Results? You will see that yourself. You will notice that your skin is glowing and you will feel a new softness and smoothness on your skin!

                      Hope you liked these fairness home remedies! Share your comments below
                                    And do you have any special skin lightening DIY recipe girls?

 Image source: 1, 2