Sunday, August 14, 2011

Pictures From The Present ; Snapshots of how I've spent this week

Week of 8th - 14th August 2011

Watering The Garden
This is actually from a few weeks ago but as my blog was on a brief hiatus I didn't have a chance to post. This is me watering my friends garden the day before her 21st, she rounded up me and another close friend to help get prepared (she was very stressed!). I've known the two of them since I was in nursery which is almost 20 years and they are my best friends! The 21st was great and lots of fun :)

Jasper Looking Like A Rockstar!
This is Jasper having another bath and Mum spiked up his makes me giggle so much!

Invitation Duty
My brother is getting married in October and me and my Mum were roped into helping my sister put the decorations together. They came out so lovely, my sister designed them and got all the materials. Here I am stuck cutting ribbon to size but I ended up creating a whole bunch alone the next day. It was a long process, but the end result was lovely.

This was the end result, aren't they gorgeous? Now who can I take as my date/+1?

Self Portrait!
HAHAHA! I always laugh at this! I was cleaning out my room/unpacking and found a box full of old stuff, including a 'book' I made in primary school with a teacher that all the Mum's fancied. This was my portrait of myself as a seven year old or something and I have no idea why I've drawn myself with black hair as I was blonde at this point (in fact I was blonde long until I became a teenager). And what is up with my mouth?! Is that me smiling?! LMAO!

Job Interview
I had a job interview on Friday and this is what I wore! So stylish! Unfortunately, I didn't actually wear the cardigan as I had ordered it off the internet and it didn't arrive until I got home, but don't you think it looks good with the outfit? I wish it had arrived in time so I could have worn it! Nonetheless I left the interview feeling very confident and they rang me back a few hours later, offering me the job! I was chuffed!
My room is also a bit of a tip here and my bed is out of place as the night before I pushed it up against the wall/beneath the window and watched the shooting stars/meteor shower :)

Green Beans
This is Nan after Sunday dinner today, using some strange device to cut green beans or something. Haha!

I've had a really great week this week, I've been spending a lot of time with my close friends after not seeing them much because of being up north, and one of them got the job too so we'll be working together! I've also been swimming twice a week to help keep fit and of course actually getting the job was a massive highlight for the week. Now I'll be able to afford to take my driving lessons. And I'm so excited for my brothers wedding - although I dread finding a dress!