Tuesday, March 13, 2012

My Double Tailed EOTD and My Sweet Pet Dog Pics

Hello girls! You are surely going to laugh at me for this EOTD. He he Yes! This is my almost my first EOTD and so I tried something serious, but unfortunately it ended up in a comedy. I did this EOTD with just a simple eyeliner, the one from Lakme I got for 70 Rs approx. My regular readers will know that I am a eyeliner & kajal freak :D but I never tried different methods to line my eyes. This is the very first time I tried different. Let me show you the pics, oops no! I dont dare :P I will show you only a single photo and make you laugh tonight. Wish me good luck so that I can learn about eye makeup better sooner.

So, here comes My Double Tailed EOTD!!!!

Products Used
1. Lakme Kajal Pencil in Black Shade
2. Lakme Instaliner Eyeliner

Hey hey wait..  look at some pics of my Tommy :D (He is the king of Funny expressions) I planned to make this a separate post, but I am little upset today, so doing a casual post like this will make me happy :)

My Pet Dog - Tommy

My Pet Dog - Tommy

My Pet Dog - Tommy

My Pet Dog - Tommy

Please don't mind, he is ugly after Holi and He really needs a bath :D (Ofcourse, he hates bath than anything else)
Soon after he have a bath tomorrow, I will show his new pics.

Some of the pet names I cal him by are..
1. Paalkova
2. Horlicks Baby
3. Butter boy
4. Milk cream
5. Bubu

Do you have any other name suggestions for him??