Friday, December 28, 2012

Daxon VIP Fashion Blogger

I know I've already posted once today, but as soon as I saw this opportunity on Lucy's blog, I just had to get involved. Basically, the company Daxon are looking for some fashion bloggers to join in with their network and by joining you'll receive a £50 Amazon voucher!

Daxon are a company that specialize in top quality ladies and menswear for all occasions as well as home items too.

Some of the shoes and dresses in particular are very cute and they currently have a 70% off sale on!

I love joining new networks to be more collaborative with brands, meet new bloggers and expand my network so this is a fab idea. Additionally, there are quite a few books I have my eye on that I'd love to order from Amazon! To take part, simply click here to find out a little bit more and then if you're interested, add the button to your sidebar and write a blog post about it. Once you've done those steps you can email them letting them know and then you'll receive your voucher and be part of the network too. What a great idea!