Monday, April 22, 2013

How To remove acne fast and without creams and medicine

Acne knows no age. Although it affects mainly young people, and it certainly can affect people of different ages. The main causes of acne - excess production of sebum (oil) from the sebaceous glands to increase due to hormonal changes, inflammation caused by bacteria, dead skin cells leads to blockage of the pores.Diet, dirt, stress and other factors can not be directly responsible for the appearance of acne, but these factors could certainly exacerbate the problem. So, how can you clear acne quickly and naturally?

 The goods news is that there are many ways in which we treat acne naturally, without harming thoughts, our skin with unwanted side effects. You could have made a lot of creams, antibiotics and what not trying to get rid of your acne problem. The problem with most people is that they do not treat the acne problem completely.

For example - just applying creams or medication is not much good you can do if you have bad habits, exacerbated the problem might have. Have you ever heard of any person who come to eat junk food and pizza all day long and then complain about how they are suffering from severe acne? If you really want to clear acne quickly and permanently, then you have to pay attention to many areas in your life -. Like your eating habits, your sleeping schedule, etc, in addition to carrying out the necessary treatmentsStop doing these things:First of all we want is a few no-no when it comes to clear your acne fast start and enjoy a clear skin comes.A. Excessive contact - Stop touching your face and feel your pimples. Under excessive touching, I'll try to include such things as pressing the pimple, it pops out or scrubbing your face too hard while washing.You may think you are cleaning your skin beautifully by scrubbing, but the oil on the skin, which leads to blockage of the pores increase. Instead of scrubbing hard, gently wash your face with warm water 2-3 times a day.Second Unhealthy eating habits - you must change your eating habits if you want to achieve long term results. It is said that "you are what you eat". Your eating habits can certainly be a powerful influence on your acne condition - proper diet can reduce acne while unhealthy eating habits can worsen the problem.If you really want to know how to clear acne fast, then you should understand the ill effects of junk food. Stay away from soft drinks, junk and fast foods. Try to avoid outside food as much as possible and eat home cooking.Try to reduce your intake of oily, fried products, caffeine. If you liked sweets, then you need to check this habit as well. I ask you not completely give up sweets, but drastically reduce them. 

Natural ways to clear acne fast:Now that we know what things to avoid, let's see how we get rid of acne fast. I have always emphasized to clarify the natural way your skin. It is because the natural methods are safe and gentle for the skin.There are many natural treatments for acne. Some home remedies really work, as they proved to be effective for centuries. Note that the people experienced acne problem centuries before any of this was expensive creams or antibiotics. People these times could somehow have treated their acne problem. It is mistaken to think that they did nothing to address the problem.Many people have been known to successfully deleted have acne with honey, lemon juice, baking powder, onion, rose water, fenugreek, olive oil, etc. You could try a few home remedies or even better a complete step-by-step program to treat acne of course.In addition, there are slight changes in the diet you eat foods that have Omega-3 (get rid of the acne inflammation) can make you drink lots of water, etc. 

They are also advised to make regular exercise, get enough of it by a regular sleep schedule sleep.Hope you enjoy this short article on how to remove acne fast. I tried on the importance of trying natural treatments that avoid creams or medications to stress (unless you have a serious problem). I have also tried to emphasize the importance of avoiding unhealthy foods that can worsen the problem.