Saturday, April 6, 2013

Seven Natural Acne Treatment Recipes

Natural acne treatment. Your face looks like a map? You have to deal every day with pimples and points blacks? Surely you dream of your skin "apricot" of movie stars.

Unfortunately, we do not know give you the recipe to turn your skin into that of Monica Bellucci or Angelina Jolie but we can advise remedies 7 - strictly natural - to try to get as close as possible after the 7 rules to defeat acne, here are the 7 natural recipes to fight it!

Acne is a skin disease characterized by inflammation of the hair follicle and sebaceous gland attached, which is manifested by papules and pustules arising from the original lesion, and it is acting on inflammation that you will get the best results.

natural acne treatment recipes #1. Lemon and baking

Lemon fruit photo: Natural Acne Treatment Recipes
Combined with a teaspoon of lemon juice and a teaspoon of baking soda in half a glass of warm water and, with a little 'of cotton, dab your face in the most inflamed. Leave for a few minutes then wash and dry. Thanks to the astringent lemon and the disinfectant of this baking mix is ​​a valuable ally against the points blacks and clean clogged pores by pus.

natural acne treatment recipes #2. Onion

Onion photo: Natural Acne Treatment Recipes
Cut the spring onion into strips and attach it directly to the face, or please fit the juice and swabbed with cotton. Thanks to its antimicrobial properties can help fight the bacteria that cause acne. Have been demonstrated its beneficial properties against acne scars and its antibiotic action of various bacteria, which cause skin infections.

natural acne treatment recipes #3. Avocado

Avocado photo: Natural Acne Treatment Recipes
Blend a portion of avocado and swabbed with cotton on the pimples. Thanks to its emollient and nourishing properties of avocado, the cream will act against inflammation and redness and make your skin smooth. The avocado, in fact, is particularly suitable for dry skin and for the treatment of skin relaxed, unstressed and off.

natural acne treatment recipes #4. Calendula oil

Calendula oil photo: Natural Acne Treatment Recipes
Extracted from marigold flowers, has an intense emollient and soothing, helpful on chapped, red and very sensitive. Anti-inflammatory, decongestant, healing, moisturizing and antiacneico adjuvant, is a valuable remedy particularly effective in the treatment of spots or redness left by pimples more inflamed. If used consistently, visibly improves the physiological state of the skin.

natural acne treatment recipes #5. Lemongrass oil

Lemongrass oil photo: Natural Acne Treatment Recipes
Add a few drops of citronella oil diluted in water and apply it on your face with a cotton ball. Be careful, however, not to use it pure because it may be too aggressive and cause allergic reactions. The oil extracted from lemongrass is a great astringent and is also an excellent disinfectant.

natural acne treatment recipes #6. Lavender oil

Lavender oil photo: Natural Acne Treatment Recipes
Add more water 'to your moisturizer or, cleanse your face with lavender oil diluted in warm water and dab with cotton. Lavender oil has antiseptic properties and helps to eliminate bacteria from the pores of the skin. In addition, thanks to its heady scent, helps to relax relieving stress.

natural acne treatment recipes #7. Melaleuca oil

Melaleuca oil photo: Natural Acne Treatment Recipes
Rub your face with a cotton ball moistened with a few drops of tea tree oil and a few drops of almond oil or jojoba. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties of the essential oil of melaleuca, it reduces the irritation of the skin and can prevent infection of the pimple. Pimples or zits, blacks or not, always remember to take care of your skin because it is an important part of your health: your shield and your armor!

Thanks for reading: Seven Natural Acne Treatment Recipes