Friday, April 26, 2013

TOP 7 Natural Treatments for acne scars!

Because of advances in technology and medicine, a lot of treatments for acne scar removal treatment introduced. The problem is that these chemical-based treatments often damage the skin because of their use of synthetic products! Of course, you want to hurt no more, to do your skin, why. Use it the best option only 100% natural treatments, something that I talk about myself in this articleTomatoes and cucumbers: I have a confession to make, I love even more than tomatoes cucumbers. Anyway, that's irrelevant to the discussion.

 It is crucial that the tomatoes are rich in antioxidant properties, so they help to build up the skin tissue, so to prevent further damage of the skin tissue. When mixed with cucumber, tomatoes also help tighten the pores of the skin and restoring the flexibility and elasticity of the skin.The treatment is very simple. First, you should grind and mix both tomatoes and cucumbers, form a pasty mixture! Then wash your face thoroughly and make sure it is not even a hint of an oily substance, or any kind of cream or makeup on your face. Then gently message the mixture on the affected area, leave it there for half an hour, then you can wash your face!

Tea tree oil: Tea tree oil from Australia is often used to make soaps. If you can not get the original oil, then you can buy the soap! Another natural remedy for acne scars is Neem from India, again, the Neem paste is used to make soaps and other skin care products. Both the tea tree oil from Australia and Neem in India are rich in powerful elements that can fight against acne and bacterial infections!Sandalwood: To reduce inflammation and irritation of the skin, there is no better alternative to the natural "cooling" properties of sandalwood. Mix sandalwood with black gram and rose water (or milk if you do not have rose water) to form a paste. You should ideally apply this paste on your skin before going to bed so that it can remain on the skin for a whole night, the next morning you can wash your face with water!Egg Whites: The next time you boil an egg, leave before the protein while eating it. You can use this protein to create a face mask, and the nutrients in the egg whites contain an excellent treatment for both acne scars and pimples! 

Wheat Germ Oil: This sweet little natural food contains all the necessary nutrients to nourish the skin. Distort acne and acne scars and skin damage to such an extent that in order to restore the skin to its former condition, it is important to apply the regular treatment of wheat germ.Baking Soda: Baking soda is used to the scarry tissue from the skin to exfoliate, if you submit to the dermabrasion treatment. Fortunately, you do not need to spend money for dermabrasion, you can do it at home. Mix baking soda (no more than a tablespoon) with water to make a paste out of it, gently message the paste on your skin, leave the paste on the skin for about an hour, then wash the area with water. To the softness, tightness and smoothness of the skin recover, you would want to use a natural moisturizers like olive oil for the treatment of baking soda!Lemon: The acid in lemon juice contained elements help to break down and exfoliate the acne scars so that newer, healthier skin tissue can grow in its place. You should squeeze the juice from one lemon, and then use a cotton ball or swab to the juice on the affected area, if it burns too much, add a little water to dilute if necessary! Lemon, rich in vitamin C is great for your skin, as you can also eat other fruits rich in vitamin C, such as orange, pineapple, papaya, etc.