Saturday, June 22, 2013

Acne Treatment Right From Home

Acne is a uncomfortable and embarrassing skin condition that affects thousands of people around the world. It occurs when oily substances and bacteria enter the skin and clog the pores. It is most common on a person's face, neck, or back, but may be up to almost any area of ​​the body. If acne is a problem for you, it's a good idea to visit a dermatologist, but there are some things that can make a person right at home to treat acne from.Daily cleaning: This is the number one acne remedy. It is important to have a gentle facial cleansing, which are too well with your skin type. Regular deodorant soaps or body washes should never be used on the face or affected area. They will strip the skin of its moisture and make things worse. 

 After cleaning with a mild moisturizer. It is essential to do this twice a day.Cucumber peel a cucumber and put it in a food processor until a paste is formed. Apply the paste to the skin and let it sit for 30 minutes. This is an effective acne prevention method and also works to refresh the skin.Grind cumin and caraway. With a few drops of water to make a paste and apply it on the skin Let rinse the paste on the skin for about an hour, and then pat dry.

Aloe Vera Aloe vera gel can be applied directly to the acne areas. This soothes the skin and help the swelling and redness that may have been developed to reduce. Aloe Vera is free and in the form of a pill, and can be taken orally, in order to prevent. Outbreaks of acneRose water and sandalwood-Make a paste of sandalwood and rose water and on the skin. Let it sit for at least 30 minutes before rinsing and drying.Fresh garlic-Although it produce a bit of an odor, garlic paste can be applied directly to acne irritated skin. Garlic is known to be very effective and have antiseptic properties begins to dry acne.Lavender Oil Lavender oil can be applied to irritated skin, acne, redness, and swelling around cut and ease any discomfort.  

Drain the oil as long as you want to sit.Cooked oats cooking unflavored oatmeal than on the package and apply it on the irritated skin. Let it sit and dry for 15-25 minutes. The oatmeal works to dry out the acne and soothe the skin.Egg Whites-Apply egg whites to the skin and let it sit for 20 minutes. Rinse the skin and pat dry.Fruit and Vegetables Mixture-This is a popular acne treatment. Combine a peeled and cored apple, ½ cucumber, 1 tablespoon yogurt and 1 tablespoon honey. Using a food processor, to form the mixture into a paste. Apply it on the skin and let it sit for 15 minutes. With warm water and pat dry. This will help to reduce scarring.All these home acne treatments are effective. Try some of them to the acne remedies to find the best for your skin.